Forever Alone

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Naruto ever since the Chunnin exams has had a major crush on Tenten Guirani, the way she used weapons and seals was incredible, he had been taken away by her. During her fight with Temari no Sabaku he watched the fight and was blown away by her skill.

He had forgotten all about Sakura and Hinata, while the latter was a wonderful person the former left much to be desired.. No he was in love with the weapon's mistress.

(flashback ends)

But that was a lifetime ago, while they did become good friends, Naruto was crushed to learn that she was a lesbian and with Temari no Sabaku. He found this out after he came back from his three year trip, but he was happy for her as well.

We find our favorite Uzumaki up on Kage Mt. Sitting on his father's head. When he felt a presence behind him, he looked over to see, Jiraya and Tsunade with sympathetic smiles.

"Heard about Tenten, i'm sorry!" Tsunade said to him as they sat next to him.

He gave a small shrug, "it's all right, life moves on" he said looking at them.

"What about Sakura or Hinata?" Jiraya asked.

He shook his head, "Sakura is too hung up on Sasuke to see anyone else while Hinata while a sweet and pretty girl, needs to boost her confidence and it's hard to be interested when she faints every time i try to talk to her, so no, Ino is a bitch, and Hana is with Itachi," he stated.

Jiraya was about to speak, but Naruto beat him to it, "Kurotsuchi hates me and wants my head, Karin is an Uchiha fangirl, Fuu is with Garra, Yugito is dating Mabui, Karui is with Choji, Samui can't see past what my mask was, i can't stand to be around Shizuka she'll just throw in my face the fact no one wants me and surprisingly all Shion wants is my offspring. I think my options are pretty much gone, besides right now i need to let my feelings for Tenten go first before i move on!" he explained, with a resigned smile on his face.

They nodded as Tsunade hugged him, she felt bad, he had suffered so much with having no family and suffering the hate and prejudice of the village, and now to find out he never had a chance with the girl he loves you could see the heartbreak in his eyes, kissing his cheek they left him be, while he just silently sat their letting the empty tears roll down his face.


Walking around the village he walked past all the couples over at the bbq shop, he looked for only a moment then sighed before walking away see Tenten kiss Temari.

He met up with Sai, Shikamaru, Shino and Lee as they went for a drink. At one of the Shinobi/Civilian mixer bars.

"You feel better my friend?" Lee asked.

Naruto nodded to him, "i will be, but i say a toast to friendship and peace!" he said.

Raising their glasses they drank, they talked and just had a quite night in.

"Did you hear about the council trying to shoe in Sasuke for the position of Kage?" Shino asked.

Naruto went wide eyed then frowned, "what bullshit," he muttered.

"Troublesome, Tsunade won't allow it, she regained the power they had and is gonna make her own choice, i won't work with him not after his defection!" Shika said downing another glass.

The others minus Sai and Naruto nodded after the defection they wanted nothing to do with him, Sai wasn't their yet and Naruto didn't care anymore, while he still saw him as a friend after that but more like an acquaintance, much to Mikoto's sad relief.

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