Brothers in Arms

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Menma and Sasuke stood at the Valley of the End, staring each other down, it had been a fierce battle and both were now at their limits. But Menma sighed he didn't want to fight not really had something else on his mind that dealt with a certain Uchiha Matriarch, Sasuke at the same time was feeling the same for a certain Uzumaki Matriarch.

"I can do this anymore, i am tired, how about we make a truce?" Menma asked.

Sasuke raised an eye at this," what did you have in mind?" He asked.

Menma just grinned at him, this would be quite a thing to remember.


Back in Konoha, Kushina Uzumaki and Mikoto Uchiha, were sitting in their homes waiting for their sons to come back from where ever they were, their 16 year old daughters Mito and Rei sitting with them.

Much had changed for them in the last ten years, the Uchiha Coup never happened thanks to Shisui, Minato brought the Uchiha back into the village after being ousted by Danzo and both sets of Parents lost their eldest children to neglect and stupidity....their own.

They never meant for any of this to happen it just did through a series of unfortunate events.

Itachi who looked more like Mikoto and took her personality, had been harshed by Fugaku whom wanted a true Uchiha son and felt like he never got that with Itachi, putting all of his time and attention Sasuke and Rei, for Mikoto it had been different, for the first five years of the twins lives she devoted more time to them, neglecting Itachi (though not intentionally), but by the time she was able to remember him and give her focus, it was too late, he was self sufficient and never bothered asking his parents for help and always cold and dissociated from them even if polite, it infuriated Fugaku that his son would not seek his help and quickly disavowed him in his arrogance, but it broke Mikoto's heart even though she let Fugaku do this because she didn't know how to help him or reach him anymore and soon became a perfect stranger in his own home, till the day he left it always made Mikoto cry thinking about it, that was ten years ago.

For Kushina it had been different, like Mikoto she loved her eldest son till the Kyuubi attack, with Sarutobi sacrificing himself, giving Kushina and Minato the chance to live. But the fox had been split and sealed into their new born twins Mito and Menma, afterwards Naruto was soon forgotten about as well, like Itachi tried to remain in his parents lives but he had been pushed away and soon became self reliant as well as being cold and dissociated, unlike Mikoto, Kushina didn't try as hard to make it up too Naruto because of Jiraya's child of Prophecy speech. But unlike Fugaku when the twins were 10 they were given the heir title that had effectively removed Naruto from the famly and his 'home' the same had been done to Itachi by Fugaku giving it too Sasuke, they never showed up for school after that and before the week was out, it was discovered they had both fled from Konoha.

Mikoto and Kushina were inconsolable, they had effectively run their babies away, They were never truly the same after that, part of them always loathed themselves.

Fugaku soon came to regret his actions after much thought and like Mikoto tried to find him but to no avail and Sasuke blamed Itachi for their parents change.

Minato like Kushina felt Naruto didn't have what it took to be clan heir mainly because he didn't spend time with him but he knew deep down it would come to bite him in the ass one day and dreaded it, unknown to him at the time, was that Menma would forever destroyed that idea completely when Oto attacked Konoha, originally Suna was going to be involved,  but Minato spoke to the Wind Daimyo and squared things with them, so when they attacked, Sasuke and Menma were told to help save the school were Mikoto and Kushina worked at part time, Iruka had been injured and the two heirs left their post with Konohamaru's class were Rei and Mito were helping out as teaching assitants leaving them to fend for themselves while they tested their might against the strongest of the invaders, Iruka had almost been killed, Mito and Rei had been kidnapped to be ransomed to Iwa and Kumo.....had it not been (shadowed) allies who saved them and returned them back to Konoha unconscious but perfectly safe, they would be breeding stock for the enemy villages, when Minato found he was furious, specially when they showed no care for their families in any regard, telling him they were dead weight and elites like them shouldn't have sully their hands with lesser beings.

NarutoVerse: One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ