Of Hallowed Hearts

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He stood their looking out the window lost in thought, he couldn't believe it, after everything he sacrificed, life was throwing this at him as well.


He was angry and scared, glaring at nothing, he clenched his fists so hard they turned white.


He closed his eyes and took a deep breath! It seems like he had no choice, this was it for him.


He felt a hand his shoulder, breaking him out of his thoughts, looking back he saw Tsunade looking at him sadly.

"You need to put your affairs in order, you only have six months left. Unfortunately the Disease is running through you body at a much quicker rate," she said.

He just nodded, he couldn't fight it. He finally broke down.

Tsunade stood their, looking down on tears, Shizune came up and hugged him as he cried on her shoulder.

Chakra sickness, had turned cancerous and was eating away at his body and it was in the later stages of it. It was also the one year anniversary of the ending of the 4th Shinobi war.

But now none of that matters, for he is dying.

So he begins to get his affairs in order, not like he had much to begin with, he was given the keys to his parents home and knowledge, but once he found out he was dying, decided to destroy the keys, that power can never used again leaving it all under the sealing jutsu.

"Do you want the others..." Tsunade stopped by Naruto.

No, to be quite honest i haven't seen the others in a few months now, Sakura left with Sasuke so no! They can find out themselves," he said rather harshly.

Tsunade flinched, when Kakashi was made Hokage, Sasuke was given his freedom based of Naruto's word. Sakura left with Sasuke after they got married without letting Naruto know, it was a big betrayal to him and was the final nail in the coffin and wrote them off.

She nodded respecting his wishes as he got up and headed out. He had a few things to take care of.

At the same time Tsunade went to speak to Kakashi about Naruto.

She was not looking forward to this one, as her and Shizune went to the tower, Tsunade was losing the last little bit of family she had left.

(she doesn't know about Karin)

Kakashi was finishing up some paperwork when Tsunade came in with a grim look. This made the Rokudaime very curious.

"So how is he?" he asked.

Pulling out the file she gave it too him, saying nothing.

He opened it up and looked at it, his heart dropped, "no...this can't be right," he said in shock.

"I'm afraid it is, i traced it back to his over use use of the Nine-Tails chakra during the war and his death fight with Sasuke. He only has six months left, we...we are gonna tell the village soon! he already destroyed the key to his parents home and knowledge, no one will ever be able to get in ever again" she said chocking back her own tears.

Kakashi's face darkened, he was only Kage as a seat warmer for Naruto. But now they would have to Choose another.


At Ichiraku sits are blonde hero as he looks down at the glass of water, not really hungry for food, luckily no one else was in the shop.

"Are you okay my boy?" Teuchi asked him.

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