46. Rescue Exercises

Start from the beginning

As we were heading back to the others Kota and I both noticed Sero walking towards Mineta and Karminari

Izuku: what is he gonna tell them

Kota: you don't think....

As we both had a flashback to the arena where we fought camie

Izuku & Kota: oh no

With sero

Sero was approaching Mineta and denki

Sero: guys. You gotta listen to this story it's pretty juicy

Mineta: what's the rating

Sero: Triple X

Mineta: go on

Sero: that fox in the bodysuit from shiketsu the one over there *looks at camie*

Denki: yeah?

Mineta: if you're just gonna say she's hot that's obvious I've had my eyes on her since the moment we crossed paths

Sero: well get this I saw her hiding in the rocks with Midoriya and Kota buck naked

Denki & Mineta: MIDORIYA KOTA

As they rushed at us we peppered sprayed them in the eye

Kota: whatever Sero told you was wrong

Izuku: if you guys think of what we were doing We were trying to avoid that girl besides it was the side effect of her quirk

As we walked away I noticed one of the students from shiketsu was talking to Todoroki all what Kota and I heard was

Yoarashi: but you definitely still have your fathers eyes

As he left I looked behind me and saw camie as she said

Camie: See you out there

I approached her and said

Izuku: let's get something straight here I already have a girlfriend and her name is Ochako Uraraka whatever you're trying to do to me it's not gonna work I will forever and always be loyal and love Ochako

As I walk away the bell ringed

Mera: villains have performed a large-scale terrorist attack spanning all of insert city named here since most buildings collapsed there are many injured

Tsu: guess that's the background story

Izuku: so that would mean

Kota: it's starting

The walls started to come down again


Kota and I were the first to get a head start while the other were catching up

Izuku: guys lets start by heading to the closest urban area we'll work a s a team as much as possible

Class 1-a: right

I noticed how kacchan is going on his own again with denki and kirishima following behind him as we continue forward Kota heard someone

Kota: Nightwing I think there's someone who needs help

Izuku: ok everyone let's go

As we approach the noise

Random HUC person: My grandpa he's been crushed I think he's hurt

Kota: this looks bad where is he

Random HUC person: "this looks bad"? That's points off your score

Kota: what!?

Random HUC person: the fist thing you should do is see how bad my injuries are and if I can walk I'm breathing kinda weird too aren't I

Izuku mind: are the members of HUC the ones who are gonna be scoring us

Kota mind: I have a lot to learn

Kota: hey it's fine we'll save him I'll take him to a first aid station

Izuku: you sure you got this

Kota: my parents loved helping people so that's what I must do

Izuku: ok everyone let's go

Class 1-a: right

Izuku mind: I hope you'll be find Kota but in this test there's gonna be surprises they would've thought if I already figured out their plan

As we continue trying to help people like getting a old man out of a debris with Momo creating a brace and then Ochako crawled in and use her quirk to move the debris and hand it to sato and me and sero use his tape to hold the giant parts I faced my other classmates who were doing nothing

Izuku mind: if they just stand there they won't receive points and won't get their license

Izuku: you guys separated in small groups and go help other civilians

Shoto: good idea Midoriya

Tsu: I'll go to the river

Shoto: I'll join you

Toru: me too

Ojiro face Tokoyami Mina and koda

Ojiro: guys work together?

Mina: cool beans

Koda: *nods*

Tokoyami: sure

Shoji worked with Tenya and Mineta

Izuku: we can also help the other schools

Tenya: right

Izuku: ok 1-a GO!

At the mountain zone

Bakugou wasn't doing well on rescuing

While that everyone was with their own group helping everyone in need like Tsu helping a boy who couldn't swim and shoji who was using his quirk to find civilians

Kota POV

I managed to get the kid to a save spot while another student check on him I couldn't felt like something was gonna happen

???: in order to rescue this in need heroes must multitask they can't just rescue they must adapt

Just the everything started shaking and a wall exploded

Kota: what happen

Mera: a villain has completed another large-scaled attacked

Kota: this must be another part of the exam

Examinee 57E: hey look

I face who it was

Gang Orca: tell me wannabe heroes can you rescue and fight at the same time

Kota:*puts finger on communicator* Izuku we got a problem

Izuku: I know who's the villain that's attacking

Kota: i don't know someone who has a killer whale head

Izuku: that's Gang orca rank #10 on the list and 3rd for heroes who should be villains

Gang orca signal his men to rush at us

Gang Orca: Now. How will you react? Will you fight or protect? Help or run away? What would a hero do?

Izuku: don't worry Kota I'm on my way a hero would protect everyone no matter the cost

To be continue....
Omg guys so close to 100 followers I can't thank you all enough thank you for supporting me and my story

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