Twenty One Pilots

Start from the beginning

Laurens: Yeah, me too, kid! *starts dancing weirdly and singing* All my friends are heathens take it slow...

Peggy: Wait for them to ask you who you know... *booty bumps John* 

Angelica: Oh, look. *laughs* More heathens.

Peggy: *playfully sticks tongue out at*

Quinn: Alright, guys, who are the heathen friends in this group?

Jefferson: *dramatically stands up* Allow me. *points to each person as he says their name* Hamilton, Laurens, Mulligan- not you, Lafayette. You're fine.

Lafayette: *smirks at the rest of the Hamilsquad*

King George: Frankly, you're all heathens. *polishes his teacup with a handkerchief and takes a sip*

Hamilton: *smirks mischievously* *pulls a straw out of nowhere, sticks it in King George's teacup and slurps up the tea*

King George: *shrieks and flings his teacup across the room* MY TEA! YOU ANIMAL!!!

Hamilton: *smacks his lips and makes a face* Earl Grey? Gross. 

King George: *red in the face What is wrong with you?! You maniac!

Hamilton: *chuckles*

Angelica: See, I told you! You're a heathen!

Hamilton: *grins at her* You're right. I just decided to live up to it. 

Washington: Now go clean up the mess you made.

Hamilton: Yes, sir. *goes to clean it up*

Quinn: Okay, moving onto the next song.  This one's called "Ride."

Peggy: Ooh... that one was cool!

Eliza: *looks horrified* ...No!

Philip: What, Mom?

Eliza: I just didn't like that it was so... I didn't like the lyrics?

Philip: Yeah, I heard them say something about bullets and killing. That was kinda weird. 

King George: As someone who sympathizes with the need to occasionally take someone out-

Philip: *eyes widen*

King George: *nervously catches Philip's eye* ...To lunch. I like to take my friends out to lunch sometimes.

Philip: *smiles and goes back to what he was doing*

King George: I quite enjoyed that song. It was very catchy.

Jefferson: Eh. This stuff reminds me of that band we listened to months ago. What was it called... panic fever?


Jefferson: *stares at weirdly* ...Sure.

Hamilton: I liked that band, and I like this one, too. This time period has so many different options for music!

Quinn: Yeah! There's something for everybody.

Washington: I like this group a little more than the other one, but I'm still not a huge fan. 

Maria: I like this! It's good!

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