Chapter Four: "you have time"

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Callies pov

I wish i could just go back. I wish i didnt end up in juvie the first time, i wish i didnt meet lena and stef, i wish i didnt kiss brandon.
I was supost to go bsck york a few weeks ago, but i got depressed.

Only lena stef, and aaron know. Theyve been telling everyone im helping around here, but i had to tske a mental health break from my ferm, because i cant get out of bed.

Lena and stef are watching me, and aaron hasnt left. Theyve been so suportive, and not judging me. They know my feelings for brandon are nothing more then what they are, but its your first love.

Today aaron is trying to get me out of the house, even though i keep saying no. "Callie. Come on. Its a beautiful day. We should get naked and go to the beach." He said trying to get a smile out of me. I shurged my.shoulders. "callie, lena and stef, made a beautiful brunch. How about, we just go down. You dont have to eat if you dont want too. But just come down with me. Then we can spend the rest of the day under the covers."

That sounded reasonable. I force myself out of bed every day. For a few moments. I started to sit up and aaron came to my side. I was feeling nauses, i grabbed the bucket beside me and dry heaved. Aaron holding my hair back. "Oh sweetie" he said kissing the base of my neck. "Im okay" i whispered putting the bucket down.

He helped me up, grabbing my robe. Ive lost some weight and you can notice. The robe makes me feel a little safe. Aaron helped me down the stairs slowly. The looks on moms face, put a smile on me for the first time. "You came down." Lena said coming to my.other side. I nodded.

"And shes smiling" aaron added in looking so proud of me. Stef pulled out the chair for me as lena and aaron helped me sit down.
"So what are the pland today?"lena asked as she started filling up our plates. Well not mind. She pulled out a smoothie. It has all the nutrients that i need, with out having to force feed me.

"Callie and i are going to go skinny dipping in the ocean followed up by some awkard sex afterwards" aaron joked. I smiled a little.putting my head on his shoulder as i dranked my smoothie slowly.

"Well please use protection." Stef smiled, and suddenly my mind was back to thinking about brandon, and i felt nauses again. Aaron could see the look on my fCe and ran to get the bunkey before i puked up the little.i had in my system.

"Can we go bsck.up now?" I asked everyone. "Not yet, you have to get something down." Lena said. I shook my head tears flowing down. "Callie" aaron said holding the smoothie. I teied to drink i really did but i couldnt get it down. I was trahsing again aaron who was trying to help. But im.not strong enough. He let me go but as soon ad i stood up by myself, i lodt balance and thag the last i remember.

Brandons POV

We were picking out candles when suddnely i got a call from moms. "Ill be right back"

"Hey mamma was going on" i asked her. "Um callies in the hosptial" she managed to stutter out. "What?"i almodt screamed. "Brandon i wasnt going to call you but i had too. I couldnt keep this from you okay. Callie hasnt been eating. Today she got upset and when she got up she fell ans hit her head, but the doctors said she fine. Now shes getting all the nutrients she needed and shes getting better already." I had tears flowing down my face. "What do you mean she wasnt eating mom? Does she have an eating disorder?" I stammered out.

"No no no, she was having a little mental health issues, but we were taking care of her." She was crying. All i wanted to do was run there. "Aarons with her, and jude is coming home, brandon she didnt want me telling you. So please b dont do anything stupid, and don't tell anyone about her mental health. We just told everyone she took a fall okay. I love you b. I gotta go talk to the doctors"

"I love you too"

How can i not do something stupid?


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Wanted to put something truly real here

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