Chapter two "My sun and my moon"

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Brandons POV

I kept checking my phone, waiting for Eliza to show up. God i love her so much. Shes my sun, my moon. The person i want to spend the rest of my life with. She finally texted me that she was here so i rushed to the door and opened it. there stood my beautiful women. I grabbed her hand and brought her inside for a kiss. It was so gental, but filled with complete love. She looked up at me and smiled. "ITs time." She whispered to me. I nodded and brought her face to kiss my lips one last time before going and joining the family. 

I smiled at everyone. I had told them that i had big news. Mariana is the only one whos knows, becasue she helped me pick out a ring of course, i couldnt do it alone. "So, We are engaged." I finally got out. Right away everyone was shocked but so happy for us. Everyone got up and started hugging us, all but one. I didnt want to look at Callie. This was a big step for me, and i knew she wouldn't be thrilled. I tried so hard not to look at her but my eyes finally wondered to her. She was sitting down, looking at her hands. She closed her eyes for a moment. I went over to her, she looked like  she was going to vomit. 

I placed my hand on her shoulder. She jumped so slightly but finally looked up. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded. and stood up giving me a weak hug. "i'll be right back." She whispered before bolting off to the bathroom. Thats when the guilt hit me. The pit in my stomach about telling everyone was back and it was worst then ever. I was going to go after her but Jude brought me into another hug. 

"We are so happy for you guys. So any planning yet?" Lena asked me. I looked at Eliza and smiled. "WE were thinking maybe a beach wedding next summer." She said. And jsut like that, the guilt started to go away as we all celbrated once again. 

We were all sitting around talking when there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Lena said. I watched her as she went to the door. Out of the corner of my eye i saw Aaron at the door. He said something to her and they both ran upstairs. I wanted to go up and follow them, but i stayed down there and just held Elizas had tightly. Soon, Lena came back down. I let go of Elizas hand and grabbed lenas and pulled her aside. "Whats going on? Why is Aaron here?" I asked her, she sighed. "Callie and him ate bad sushi and i guess its not agreeing with her as much. Shes embarassed dont tell anyone. Hes taking her to get some air." She said. I took a deep breath. "Ya bad sushi is always bad." I stuttered. SHe kissed my cheek. "Come on." SHe lead me back to the table. 

"So when did this happen?" Jude asked us. "Oh a month or so back." I smiled. "No come on tell us everything, how did you do it?" Mom asked me. I took a deep breath in and smiled. "I took her to the first place that we got coffee. We btoh werent coffee drinkers, but thats where we went for our first date. I ordered her the same thing i did that first day. God i remember her face. I knew she hated that, but thats what she got the first time."

 Everyone was laughing. I held her hand tighter. "She was like, "Whats this? Coffee?" I tried to hold in my laughter. I told her, oh thats right you dont like coffee, one sec. And i went and grabbed her her a cup of boiling water and place it on the table, then out of my pocket i grabbed her fvaourite tea. But on the bag was the ring, and just like that i went down on one knee and asked her, Will you Marry me? With the stupid tea bag in hand. oh boy was she surpised. I meber the exsact look on her face. She placed her hands to her mouth. She didnt say anything for over a minute and in my head i was like, Oh no shes going to say no. 

but jus like that she got up and shouted out yes. We jumped into eachothers arms and the whole place starte clapping for us. IT was a magical moment, one i dont think i will ever forget." I fnished up, everyone was ooing and aweing. 

We all finished up and started to clean when Jude finally noticed Callie was gone. "Wheres Callie?" HE asked. everyone looked around and they all notied she wasn't here anymore. "She didnt want me to say, but she got really sick from the sushi her and Aaron ate this morning. She was really embaressed. So aaron took her to get some air." JUde started laughing.

 "She knows that sushi doesnt agree with her." Suddnely the door opened and all of our heads turned. There Aaron was holding up a sad Callie. "Ya i dont think i'll ever learn. So sorry about leaving you guys. Just i didnt want to steal you're guys thunder." She said. Her voice was so sad, so gental. I got up and helped suport her. "I got her Bud, i'm just going to take her to bed." Aaron said, lightly tugging her away from me. "Are you sure?" I asked him. HE shook his head, but his words said, "Ya of course." 

I didnt listen and helped her up the stairs. I helep lay her down but then left, i stood right outside the door. "Call me in the morning. You're just really tired from the pannick attack. its nothing serious okay?"  He told her. I heard him kiss her head before leaving. Whn we left the room he saw me right outside. "Just leave her alone man. I know you know it wasnt sushi. She needs time." HE told me. He then shook my hand. "Congrates man." He said before rushing down the stairs. I heard him congratuting Jude and then saying goodbye. 

I tried to stop myself from going in but i couldnt. I opened the door and then locked it behind me. 


ouuu yes chapter two. I want to make sure you guys knowhow serious i am about this story and how amazing its going to turn out

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