chapter Three "You Knew This Would Happen"

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Callies POV

i was just about to fall asleep when i heard my door open again. "Aaron i'm fine." I whispered as i turned back around in bed and pulling the covers. The person said nothing. But i felt a dip in my bed. "Aaron." I whinned finally looking at who was in my bed room. There on my bed sat Brandon looking as worried as ever. "What are you doing in here?" I asked him, shocked and confused. "I had to makesure you were okay." He said looking at me with sad eyes. 

"Well i'm fine, just bad sushi is all." I lied. He shook his head, i knew he knew i was lying. "Why are you lying?" HE asked me, anger in his tone. I grabbed the sheets tightly, as my anger started to rise.  "Why did you lie to me?"I shouted at him. He turned away. "I never lied." He whispered, defeat in his voice.  

"YOu were supost to be my best friend. We talked every day, texted everyday. I didnt even know you guys were serious." I told him. I tried to keep my voice down, so no one downstais heard us.  BUt i was furious. "I dont have to tell you everything thats going on in my life callie." He shot back. Thats was a low blow, even for him and i think he knew it. I started to get up and head for me door. "NO callie, i'm sorry, i didnt mean it like that." HE said, trying to redeem himself. "NO, You're so right. I'll stay out of it." I said as i just reached the door. He pushed it closed. "Callie," he shouted.  

"You're hurt." He said. I turned around. "Of course i'm fucking hurt Brandon. We tell eachother everything. No matter what. Then you sprung this on me." I went back and sat on my bed pulling the covers up.  "You're rihgt i should of told you, and i'm sorry. Its just, with our pass." I cut him off. "Thats the reason you should of told me Brandon. You were my first love. I thought you would have some respect for me and tell me." He paced to the door and then turned around, "Why do you think i waited so long." He shouted. I shurged my shoulders.

"You were my sun and my moon for so long. Since we met, you were it. I thought i was done. BUt then we literally got torn apart, forced apart.  And then when i thought i found happiness Grace just dieed. She just died, and still in my darkess hour you were the sun, you were the light in my world. BUt i had to move on, and you know that. I almsot didnt do it because of you. Because i thoguht to myself, How could i do this to her? Just go off get married. Fall inlove so deeply for someone else. When she has done so much for me." I was taken back. I felt horrible for snapping on him now. 

tears were streaming down his face. "Callie you have done so much for me. I didn't want to hurt you. I didnt want to love someone as much as i loved you. It was killing me inside." I through the covers down and ran up and hugged him. HE started to move but that only mad eme hold him tighter. "I didnt want to hurt you. Ya i've dated, but getting married meant i had give up on us but i havent. You're in my life, and thats never going to change. The love i have for you will never change." He whispered,tears where now falling down from ym face once again tonight. 

"I get it." I whispered as we fell onto my bed. He cried harder. "I'm sorry callie." He cried in my arms. "Shh, its okay Brandon. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for making you feel like you coudlnt tell me this. I promise never to make you feel like that again." I said as i brought my tear stained cheek to his head. "I promise." I whispered. 

I dont know how long we were laying liek this before we both fell asleep. IT was nice, having him in my arms one last time. I was woken up by a knock on the door. Brandon still passed out. "Come in." I whispered ever so softly. I had my explantation in my head for who ever walked in right. The person pocked there head in, i was surpised to see Lena. I thought it would be Eliza or Mariana. I ushered her to come in. She did and slowly closed the door. "I was comin to check up on you, Eliza said that Brandon disapeared. Is everything okay?" She asked. She knew better then assume anything, like everyone else would. 

"Just a heart to heart a guess." I told her. She sighed. "IT wasnt the sushi, thats why he came up here." She told me. Tears formed again in my eyes as i nodded. "Oh honey." She said softly getting into bed with and holding my head to her chest. "I get it. You're not going through it alone. Its a big step for him." She said. I nodded and looked down at the sleep Brandon. "I know i'm not alone, and nether is he. I needed to amke sure he knew that. BUt i guess i shoudl wake him up." I said to her about to move. "Ya, i'll leave. Don't worry, i get it though okay Callie. Just talk to me next time." She said before slipping out. 

I turned to a sleeping Brandon and played with his hair until he woke up. "Huh, crap we fell asleep." He said starting to get up. "Ya don't worry about it though. You should leave." I said, sucking up all my pride. HE got up and scrambled ot his feet. "Callie." He said as he reached the door. I smiled and looked at him. 

"Thank you." 


by far my favourite chapter. 

i want to make this a story about love, not sex, not jealously, just the pure love that these two poeple have for eachother. 

vote, comment, love, write. 

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