Stray pokemon and the Lighthouse!!

Start from the beginning

I stop the recording having enough with my usual light blue/pastel purple eyes are now glowing dark purple with the effort of stopping my pokemon from cajoling out and attacking him.

Just at that moment Flare comes in with Charmander in her jaws and he looks horrible with his tail nearly lit.

Nurse Joy quickly rushes to him and trys to take Flare as well but I take her saying that the water does not bother any of my fire type pokemon because they trained each other to resist it.

Ash and Brock dry her off whilst I leave my dex on one of the tables near the group as they laugh at Charmander. I let out Sabrina, Jolt, Ruth, Sonic and allow Flare to stay out as they all use Psychic to keep the group in the centre as I go with Nurse Joy to help Charmander.

"Oh no!! I don't have any elixers that keep a fire type pokemon's temperature up!!" She shouts.

"I have some that I made my self." I say as i pull the jar out and pour it into the container as we give it to the Chaemander.

When I go back out they all look at me "Charmander should be alright tomorrow." I say before getting my pokemon to drop the blue haired ones friends. "I suggest you leave now or get arrested for supporting a pokemon abandoner." They try to grab the balls but I stop them saying. "If you take those balls that is a federal offence and you will not leave here like you looked like when you came here." They run off after that.

"Glad we could come to an agreement." Damian said. "Now let me go or you'll regret it."

Ignoring him I ask Nurse Joy to check his pokemon but not to heal them because until after they have been processed for they will be the reason for him going to jail. I also ask her how long it would be until Frost has her eggs.

I cuff Damian and return all of my pokemon except Ruth who is going to watch him all night so in the morning we can call Officer Jenny when the storm breaks.

We all go to sleep wondering what will happen tomorrow.

When I wake up at my usual time I decide to listen to what Damian said on the recordings.

When the storm does clear up at 6am Charmander comes out of the back room and spots me and Ruth. He trys to get to his old trainer but Ruth picks him up using Psychic and places him into my lap.

"Het Charmander. I want you to listen to this recording before you decide to go back to Damian." And he agrees so I play both recordings telling them when they were made.

By the end of them he is crying into my shirt. Before long he trys himself to sleep and I wrap him up in a blanket and hold him until Brock wakes up 30 minutes later. "I'll make breakfast today and you can clean up afterwards." And I agree.

Not long later Charmander and the others woke up with Damian and I called Officer Jenny. "Hello. This is Willow Ketchum and I would like to report an A13 and possible A4 and N6. We are at the pokemon centre just off route 24. The mans name is Damian. He has been apprehended and stopped before he left and now the pokemon that was found, a Charmander, who's flame almost went out, is now back to full health... I will see you then."

"That was Officer Jenny she will be here in an hour to take Damien to the station in the nearby town before taking him to Vermilion City. I will be following with Storm." I say to them all as Damian trys to persuade Charmander to be his again but he just goes ignored by the fire type and then starts sprouting insults which earns a shock from Ruth, obviously forgetting they were their. Idiot.

1 hour later and Officer Jenny pulls up out front with her side car and loads up Damian as I show her my badges, return Ruth and bring out Storm. "I have downloaded the security footage from last night and have multiple voice recordings along with the results from Nurse Joy's scans on my Pokedex. Let's get going and put him behind bars so these pokemon don't have to suffer more than they do now."

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