Hoodie Steeler

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^Inspired by post above^
First oneshot so tell me what you think and vote if you liked it.

*Third Person POV*
While Annabeth was walking down the halls she couldn't help but think how happy she was it was the end of the day. First Chris Lee tried to hit on her, 7 TIMES, then Samantha Malway tried to tell her she was worthless, and then some of the jocks looked at her with a certain NEED.

She just wanted to go home and cuddle up with her Percy. She currently wearing his swim team hoodie with his last name 'Jackson' sewn into the back. Annabeth absolutely loved that hoodie. It reached her mid thigh and went past her finger tips. However her favorite part of his hoodie was that it smelled like him, it smelled like the ocean. It always calmed her and helped her think.

Annabeth quickly grabbed her books she needed for homework and said goodbye to her friend Lian Jaye. Annabeth and Percy were both seniors with only three months left of school. The Jackson-Blofis home offered to let Annabeth stay with them for the rest of the year, which Annabeth had quickly accepted.

Since Percy had swim team practice and was hanging out with some of his mortal friends, Annabeth had to walk back home. She didn't really mind because it gave her time to think about Olympus, school, but it especially gave her time to think of Percy, her wonderful Seaweed Brain.

When she entered the apartment Sally was in the kitchen making some blue cookies.
"Hello dear."
"Hey Sally," she replied while sitting on one of the barstools.
"I have to go to a dinner party with Paul to meet a publisher for my new book, so it's just going to be you for a while until Percy comes home." Annabeth nodded whilst eating a blue cookie.
"I'm going to go get ready. I'll possibly see you tomorrow at around 12 because this publisher want to meet at place that's around a 10 hour drive."
"Alright Sally good luck."

Sally had left to go meet up with Paul around 10 minutes ago. Annabeth was almost done with her homework when she looked at the clock, 3:22 it read. Only two more hours until Percy came home. Annabeth decided to lay down on the couch to take a nap. She was so tired she couldn't be bothered to grab s blanket and snuggled more into Percy's swim team hoodie.

Percy's POV
I had just finished swim practice and man am I tired. I feel like I could collapse at any moment. After showering and changing I headed out to my truck, a birthday gift from Poseidon.

I parked the truck and made my way to the elevator ready to pass out. When I entered the apartment, my eyes immediately went to Annabeth who was laying on the couch snuggled I to my swim team hoodie with my last name sewn into the back. Someday I thought. I went to my room and quickly changed out of my shirt and jeans and into some sweatpants. I decided to stay shirtless because I was oddly hot even though the apartment was cold.

I went over to Annabeth on the couch and wrapped my arms around her waist and tucked my legs behind her's. She stirred slightly while turning over and snuggled into my bare chest. I kissed her forehead and welcomed the growing darkness known as sleep.

Annabeth's POV
I woke up to Percy's arms wrapped tightly around my waist and my hands on his stomach, which just so happened to be where his eight pack is. Being a demigod does that to you. With all the training and such. I snuggled closer, if possible, into his chest. He stirred and I looked up at him to see his startling sea green eyes staring lovingly at me.
"Hey Wise Girl," his voice laced with sleep.
"Hey Seaweed brain."We just laid there staring intently into each other's eyes.
"Annabeth i don't know if you know this but I love you with all of my heart."
"Percy I had noooo idea," she replied with heavy sarcasm. "But for the record I love you with all my heart too." With that Percy leaned in and kissed Annabeth gently nipping at her bottom lip. Annabeth sighed and snuggled into Percy's chest, both dripping into a dreamless sleep in each other's  arms.
So that was the first one hoped you liked it. If you want me to keep let me know.
*765 words*

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