Q and A

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These questions were asked by -TaintedTragedy

T.T :1. This one's for Vi, which one does she prefer more Charles or Chucky?

Violet: well um... I like them both but Charles well he is nicer. * fidgets with the hem of my shirt*

T.t: 2.This one's for Chucky, what's your favorite horror movie besides the child's play movies?

Chucky: I think nightmare on Elm street is good, Halloween franchise was ok.

T.t: 3.This one's for Charles, what's your favorite book?

Charles: Um....favorite book?,,,well I like Romeo and Juliet because how sweet they are towards each other.

T.t: 4. For Charles, do you ever wish that you and Chucky didn't butt heads so much and got along more?

Charles: I do wish we could get along and live peacefully. I really love chucky, hes my brother even if hes a bit um...mean I cant forget about him.

T.t: 5. For Vi, favorite horror movies and why?

Vi: horror movie...um I haven't watched any, does bambi count?

chucky: *chuckles* we can get back to you on that after I show her some horror flicks.

T.t: 6. For Chucky, if you could be best friends with any serial killer who would it be and why?

Chucky: Best friends with a serial killer um.....Billy loomis from psycho seems cool, or maybe mrs. Bates and norman bates.

T.t: 7. For Chucky, favorite music/songs/artists/bands?

Chucky: favorite songs , well I like treat yourself better by Grames revell , H.i.m, /my Chemical romance, Misfits,Snow white's poison bite, any kind of rock group is a good idea, or anything creepy like motionless in white.

T.t: 8. For Vi, favorite movies/books?

Violet: my favorite book is Romeo and Juliet , as for movie hm....the notebook is nice.

T.t: 9. For all 3, have you guys seen any vampire movies? If so what are your favorite vampires?

Charles: yes, Dracula, Interview with the/a vampire, lestat

Chucky: yes, Dracula, I like the count, himself

Vi: yes if mortician is considered a vampire

T.t: 10. For Vi, what is your favorite hobby/hobbies?

Vi: My favorite hobbies are singing, dancing, yoga and playing with my new pets.

T.t: 11. For Charles and Chucky, what draws you to Vi the most? Like what do like most about her?

Charles: I just find violet sweet, kind and gentle, I really like that in a girl um..w..woman.

chucky: Violet, well in all my years I always finds myself drawn to her loyalty , no matter which of my brother or I was trying to get her attention she just agreed to join us on a date or a stroll. Ok....She is attractive, well very attractive.

T.t: 12. For Charles, do you have any pet peeves or kinks?

Charles: pet peeves um...I cant think of any right now. Kinks I don't think there are any. I just want violet to be ok and safe.

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