if you could only see - tonic

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                  {Violet's p.o.v}
I gasped opening my eyes as I woke up a small whimper escaped my throat as i gasped for air trying to escape the coffin, banging on the lid.

I tried to get out hoping I wasn't buried already. Carefully I moved my fingers to find a weak spot, once located I pushed it open.
Rushing out to my husband's family I found myself engulfed by hugs. My mind was elsewhere as i was looking around for a certain blonde.
"Where's charles?" my voice cracked a bit , swallowing to moisten my throat. I walked outside glancing around pausing seeing a figure sitting down facing away.

  I made my way to him , straightening up, slowly going to him. My fingers danced along his shoulders, as I sat in front of him.
"Charles? What's wrong? Why are you sitting out-" I quickly got pulled into a gentle yet tight embrace.

"Beloved....i i thought i lost you, i was....afraid, i couldn't lose you. I couldn't live without you, your my sunlight, my angel, a bright ray of sunlight, there is no joy in my life without you. No reason to be existing, no reason for my heart to beat, my blood to pulse, my body to keep moving, no reason to breath, your a gift that is treasured. "
My finger pressed against his lips.
He moved back before he spoke, “To live without you, only that would be torture”
“A day alone, only that would be death,” I replied as I kissed him deeply. His arms held me close to his body as we kissed each other deeply. Charles removed his vest then held me close to him as an arm laid around my waist, while I laid on his chest.

"Are you both alright? Do you need some ....pills or something? If you do...get a room!" brad shouted as charles and I sat up our blonde hair wrapped in each other's right hands tangled with hair.
"Um.....we're tangled......" I mumbled trying to pull away as we were wincing from pulled hair.

"Two options......you can cut your hair or you can stay like that?...." herman said.

Charles and I stared at each other then blinked before we shouted in unison to our family,"The verdict is..........let's stay stuck! How much trouble can we be?"

After our family was safely assured that chucky and I would be fine, everyone went home except herman didn't let charles or myself drive home.
Charles rested his head on my shoulder as we got dropped off at home.

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