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Hey, it has been forever so I just wanna update everyone! This chapter will be deleted later, so feel free to save this if you wish to haunt the rest of my life with it. uwu

The next chapter is in the works, and it has been for a while, but I've been feeling... demotivated. Whenever I try to write I feel like I'm having a harder time, even when I know what to write, and just in general I've been at a really stressful spot in my life. I haven't had much "work" to do but I have been having a lot of sad fits at night and have had a lot of trouble with friends, though I am just pulling excuses hehe. Somehow with nothing to do I still put things off... That's just me I guess~. XD

Don't worry though, this story WILL be finished! I've started too many projects that have never finished in my life, and I'm not letting this become one of them! I won't disappoint my... small amount of followers but still followers nonetheless!

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