Chapter 3 - ~~Opportunity~~

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It's my second day here now and nothing of importance has really happened since lunch yesterday. I usually try to live in the moment but it's hard to when this class is so utterly dull, at least this is the one with the µ's girls, I almost came in late so I didn't really get to talk to them but maybe I'll get to after class. The anticipation builds up inside of me! It's the only thing keeping me awake, which is probably for the better, then I might not have to waste more of my time on this. Stuff like this-

"Please share what answers you got for your homework with the people around you", the teacher says.

Well, crap. I didn't even know we had homework, guess I slept through when we were supposed to get it. Kotori and Umi are talking to eachother about the homework calmly, while Honoka looks a little panicked. She then, without warning, leans her chair back and whispers to me.

"Hey, (Y/N). Do you have the homework answers?" Honoka whispers to me with her face very close to mind. "Please give them to me if you do~." she pulls some very... convincing eyes when she says that, it would be enough for me to give it to her, if it wasn't for one little issue.

"Honoka..." I try to whisper without blushing "I'm in the same position as you are". Honoka then slaps her hands to cover her mouth and looks in shock. 

"I thought since you seemed tired yesterday, you worked a lot at night!" she says, dropping any attempt at sneakiness from before. 

"You slept in this class yesterday, how come your work isn't done?" I say. Honoka is left kind of speachless, I guess I win this time. Her face turns white when she hears the next sound of importance in her hearing range though.

"Honoka? Did you do your homework?" Umi says, a bit suspicious but calm enough.

"W-Well... Ummm..." Honoka says.


One session of raging disappointment from Umi and ten more minutes of a boring class later, and now I can finally move on to lunch. This is what I've been waiting for all day! I walk up to my new friends and we chatter on about nothing of real importance until something big comes up.

"I might be getting to class five to ten minutes late, one of my teachers wants me to do something for her" Kotori says.

"That's alright Kotori, Umi wants to help me with a few homework questions that sh-... we weren't able to finish in our time in class, shouldn't be too much longer" Honoka says.

"We wouldn't have to if you already did it" Umi says.

"We don't need to talk about it any longer!" Honoka exclaims.

Practice... I forgot somehow that school idols did that. This could be where my opportunity to build friendships (and possibly more?) with these girls... I still don't really know the first years and I don't know the third years at all, this could be great! I mean, as long as I don't distract them at least... I just need to ask nicely and full of confidence!

"Oh, um.... Hey... C-Can I come to practice? I don't have much else to do..." I ask, timidly... I tried at least, hopefully this works...

"Oh, absolutely! It would be great to have you around (Y/N)!" Honoka says. It's almost as if her high confidence and projection in her voice is like a counterplay to my timidness. It seems though that her mind is likely just like that, meanwhile mine seems to be more eccentric than I act.

"Honoka! Practice is for us to practice, not just talk to our friends. If that was the case, why aren't Mika, Fumiko, or Hideko at practice?" Umi says, sternly. She doesn't seem too fond of the idea... Oh well...

"Come on Umi, it's not like they'll distract us much. Just this time at least?" Kotori says, trying to defrost the ice Umi holds towards the idea.

"Fine... But I expect that they'll stay true to that" Umi says. Wow, that was easy for her... I guess despite her nature, it isn't too hard to convince her of stuff.

"Thank you three!" I quickly jolt them into a hug, not really thinking about it. While this isn't my brightest idea.... It sure is amazing. I turn up to notice all of their faces are red, and Umi especially seems embarassed, so I do push myself away after a few seconds. "I'm sorry..."

"N-No, it's no big deal... Don't worry" Honoka says, still keeping a slight red tint in her cheeks. Kotori still seems a bit flustered and Umi just seems speachless, but I don't think anyone mines too much...


School is out. Unlike almost every other day, where I pitifully walk home alone by myself, today... was different. I had something to do. Just the feeling of having an obligation, a plan, feels... kind of great? Every step I walked up felt like another step away from my old life, and a step closer to all of the future I hold here, that I'm now sure I have.

"Tap, tap, tap" I hear my shoes gracely touch the stairs over and over, becoming quicker and more excited as time goes on. Two flights remained before I saw a girl with cute, short black twintails.

"Who are you?" she askes, kind of... cynically.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I'm a bit of... a new fan... I'm friends with the second years." I say, starting off a  bit confident but losing it there in the end.

"Oh, a fan!? Do you know who I am?" she says, full of excitement.

"Well... I know you're from µ's... I think your name is......" I lose my thought for a bit and she begins to look a bit sad before it turns into a little bit of anger, thankfully that was enough of a push to get the name in my brain. "Nico Yazawa"? A smile of pure bliss appears across her face, she seems incredibly joyful to have a fan recognise her, but she doesn't seem super intent on showing it.

"Well, it's great to meet with one of my great fans! I'll be awaiting you on the top, okay?" Nico says, leaving a short giggle after. She waltzes off with a skip in her step upstairs after, and I'm... Not sure how to react? I guess I'm giggle-worthy though, and I'm sure I would get another if she saw my resemblence to a strawberry right now.

These last steps feel completely weightless and unworthy of talking about now though, as I finally come into sight of the door at the top. I'm finally here... My new home.

The home of µ's.


Author's Note: sorry for taking so long on this, I usually work at night and I was really tired all week. This is also the longest chapter by far, but now the story is truly beginning! I'll see you all... hopefully soon with chapter 4!

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