Chapter 8 - ~~Steps~~

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School's back now after the weekend. Nothing really interesting happened after my visit to Maki's house, I just kinda lazed around the house for a while. However, I do feel like part of the reason I did nothing for a while was because I felt weird after what happened with Nozomi. I will say that I would rather be doing nothing than in class doing nothing, because gosh this class is boring. At least I'll be in class with the second years soon, that will cheer me up a bit through a boring school day.

I hope we get to do things like this all the time, I can just imagine it... Instead of going home everyday afterschool to do nerd stuff I can hang out with all my wonderful friends for hours, I can come home late and have it not be because of getting lost like a dummy. There's so many more places that can lead too... I guess this is all I ever wanted; just to live here in the moment... I should really do this worksheet now.


Some time has passed and I'm sitting in my favorite class now, of course it's only my favorite because three of my friends are in it though. I almost feels like it has been forever since I've seen them, even though it has only been a little.

"Hi (Y/N)" Honoka says to me as soon as she and the other second years walk through the door. Is it wrong that I blush whenever I see any member of µ's? It's a little embarassing but I can't help myself.

"Hi guys!!" I respond back. We break into meaningless conversation for a minute before class starts.

"I wish I had the ability to do nothing like you (Y/N), it seems like my sister is always coming into my room to tell me to help with business" Honoka says.

"I think you should worry about your studies more than your ability to do nothing Honoka" Umi adds in.

"Hehehe... I guess you're right" Honoka responds as she scratches behind her head.

"I always feel like I'm busy personally, even when I am doing nothing. Maybe my mind is just a bit too active." Kotori adds in.

"Oh, um, before the bell rings (Y/N), are you free later?" Honoka askes. I think my dreams have really come true.

"For sure, why?" I say.

"Would you be interested in coming to the arcade with everyone after our practice is over? Nico started some whole debate about who's better at DDR today." Honoka says.

"Abso-... I mean... I would love too." I say. I feel like a bit of a... tenth wheel to these girls but it sure is cool to hangout with them whenever possible, even if it's not all the time they're together.

"Alright, we'll see you there then!" Honoka says.

"You should try to get some practice (Y/N), then you might have a chance against everyone." Kotoris says followed by a giggle. What a fool, little does she know I use to be an expert at Dance Dance Revolution. It was the only exercise I needed in life at one point and now it will be my greatest victory in life.


...I don't think I've seen one of these machines in quite a while. Eitherway, I think I'm already ready to rock the house with my skill at stepping on four different buttons. Maybe if I'm really really good, everyone will gain extra respect for me.... That would be amazing. I just need to show off that I'm just as good at this as they are dancing on stage. I'll just put this song on heavy and I'll probably be able to get back into this game again...


"Alright... I'm a little bit exhausted but if I keep water on hand this should be completely managable." I say to myself as I take a huge chunk out of my water bottle.

"Lose all your energy now and you won't be able to stand any chance, (Y/N)" a familiar voice says from the blind side of me.

"I didn't expect to see you here so early, Nico" I say in response.

"I thought I would try to get some practice in before everyone shows up, but they would only let me leave a little bit early. Everyone else should show up in a matter of minutes" Nico says.

"So are you trying to make yourself into my rival or something?" I ask.

"Maybe a little, but everyone here is good. I would worry" Nico says with a grin as she steps onto the pad. It almost seems like her feet never even touch the ground, the main thing though, is that her stamina seems like it's never effected.

"You're not too bad yourself Nico... I'll see you in the battlefield" I say. Everyone else begins to walk into the area.

"Good luck, (Y/N)." Nico says.


Author's note: wow!! Sorry I took so long. I don't have an excuse this time though. I guess the people who look over my work took a couple days but that's it, just a couple XD. Anyway, get ready for some intense battles next chapter. There will be (spiritual) blood.

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