Bad time for a phone call

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In which Tony has a meeting about the Sokovia Accords and gets a distress call from Peter

"You're early" Secretary Ross stated in a shocked tone. The Avengers and superheroes involved in the media dubbed 'Civil War' were gathered in a conference room in the Avengers Compound.

Tony smiled slightly "Well this is important so I flew in from New York early."

"And why exactly are you still living in Stark Tower? You do have the Compound at your disposal." Ross began to interrogate.

"Pepper and I wanted to stay there, a lot of memories." His eyes shifted to Steve but no one could see through his glasses.

Ross rolled his eyes, "Didn't think you were sentimental Stark. Now let's just start this goddamned meeting, if there are any changes you would like to make to the Accords just say the word and we will begin." He glanced around the room expectantly.

"Look, Secretary Ross," Steve began ever the leader "Although is currently we don't know where."

T'challa shifted slightly in his seat which didn't go unnoticed by Tony.

"We think the Accords are too constricting, if something happens then we can't do anything until you give us the all clear and by then innocent lives could be lost."

A stubby finger slammed onto the front page of the original Accords, "You see that Rogers? 117 countries agreed to this and last time I checked you and your 'rogues' are only temporarily pardoned for negotiations. We can have Ms Maximoff restrained in seconds and detain every one of you." Ross snarled at them.

Clint immediately stood up and moved in front of Wanda protectively, Sam and Steve stood up and clenched their fists ready to fight their way out and Scott began to reach for the distress signal Hope had made him take. Across the table, Natasha slowly reached for her gun while attempting not to give away her true alliances, T'challa did the same but mentally prepared his suit for battle, Visions stone began to glow subtly and Rhodes clenched his fists. Although they had fought each other at the airport at heart they were still a team and wouldn't stand for each other being treated as badly as Wanda was.

*insert iron man repulser sound here*

"Sit. Down." The room looked towards Tony in shock as he pointed his repulser towards Wanda. A look of betrayal washed over Steve's face as he gestured for the others to sit down. 

"Not you guys." Confusion erupted "Him." Tony snarled staring above Wanda's head.

Wanda let out a strangled cry and collided with Clint. The man who was previously sitting by the wall was holding a shock collar identical to the one Wanda was forced into at the raft and a syringe filled with what everyone assumed to be sedative. 

Tony turned his repulser towards Ross, "Call off your men and let's continue this conversation like civil (hahahahaha) people. 

Ross nodded and waved towards his guards and they returned to their original places by the walls and door.

"And also," The room looked to Natasha, "I think everyone should hand over their phones, we don't want anyone sending out a distress call," She locked eyes briefly with Scott. 


The Avengers and the Rogues were still in negotiations 2 hours later.

"Look if we make these suggested changes to the Accords you will find your life so much easier Ross," Natasha growled impatiently and exasperated.

"I can confirm that these terms are the most beneficial for our team, your government, the governments of the world and the safety of the citizens of Earth." Vision confirmed.

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