Swap It Out (Aviz)

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Being in past relationships, you've learned to never trust people so easily. But being with Justin, you don't know if you should trust him.

Open up to me, it's all you gotta do

*Your thoughts*

Knowing that Justin could possibly cheat while on tour.

Maybe I'm just apprehensive about things. But I've been wondering to ask Justin,if he would ever cheat on me.

But if I do , then I'll feel like I'm in the wrong. If I do ask him, it'll lead into a fight.

Maybe Justin isn't cheating on m-

" Babe? I'm home!"

" Hey, how's the music coming alone?"

" Good, I've started working on my next album."

" Well that's good to hear."

"Yeah, is everything ok? "

"Yeah, everything is um, fine."

"No, Aviz, something is wrong. Is there something you want to tell me?"

" Well, actually there is something I want to ask you."

No pressure

Swapping out ain't ever been a crime

" Ok, ask away."

" Would you ever cheat on me?"

" No, never in a million years would I ever do that to you."

" Ok , that's all I wanted to hear."

"I love you too much to ever do that"

"I love you too"

We can swap out our love, oh

Over and over and over again

Oh you ain't gotta be afraid

Oh your love is in my hands

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