(2)The light side❤️

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(Romans pov)

"What"! Roman gasped clutching his chest in exasperation. Okay yes he knew he was slightly over exaggerating, but how in the sweet name of Julie Andrews could this treachery happen!!
"Look Roman I know you have a bit of bad blood with Anxiety"- . "Bad blood"! Roman gasped" "Bad blood"! 
It was more then just 'Bad blood'. Anxiety was his mortal enemy. He stopped some of Romans most incredible ideas for taking place! If Thomas wanted to sing with friends on a night out who stopped him...Anxiety! If he wanted to chat with a cute guy from anywhere who stopped him...Anxiety!!! It was beyond humiliating!
He'd be there talking to some cute guy and next you know he's uh uh hmmm hmm like a total Bafoon! And who's fault was it? Anxiety's!!!
Roman couldn't believe that Patton was allowing a dark side to join the light sides! The very thought of it! Especially Anxiety! And why was he leaving his precious boyfriend and best friend anyway? It made no sense!
Maybe he's plotting something. Roman had thought to himself in the moment.
No that was obscured
No way
He may be a dark side but he's way to shy and well, anxious to try anything against the sides. Well so Roman hoped. If it was anyone it was definitely that snake Deceit. Or maybe his Brother Remus. But he doubted Anxiety really would do anything.
"Look Roman" Patton said softly snapping Roman out of his thoughts. "You know what your brothers like imagine what it's been like for him all these years having to put up with that".

Roman considered it for a moment. He has some understanding of what Remus could be like. When he was younger and was actually allowed to be near Remus he had heard some of the stuff that he had come up with.
It was beyond terrifying. But after some time he seemed to be picking up on the same ideas as Remus and It has been decided by Patton and Logan to split the two sharpish. Remus had been turned to the dark side with Deceit and Anxiety. It still scared him to this day the stuff Remus has said. And as much as he would hate to admit it to anyone. The whiles he had spent with Remus had rubbed of him. There had been moments he had had an outburst of a Remus like idea that confused and almost shocked Logan and Patton, and sometimes if Anxiety had been there he would give a sideways glance and raise an eyebrow almost as if to say. "He's still apart of you."
And Truthfully what scared Roman the most would be that if having Anxiety around it could really bring out the Remus in him. Anxiety has been raised with Remus his whole life I mean of course it was a possibility. Roman knee that Darkness could rub of anyone.

"Whatever." Roman said. And with that turned his heal and marched of to his room. He did his best to keep his prince like walk upbeat and cheery but it was hard. He truly wanted to keep his shoulders hunched over and cross his arms like a stubborn toddler.
But he knew Patton. He hadn't a bad bone in his body. He knew himself what the dark sides were like and most likely felt sorry for Anxiety. Why else would he want to let him stay with the light side of the mind palace? Perhaps Anxiety had told him of the horrible stuff about Deceit and Remus.
Roman certainly knew that if Remus or Deceit had asked to become apart of the light side they'd be rejected so what made Anxiety so special?

Roman cast himself down on his four poster bed with its scarlet red bedsheets. He sat there thinking for a moment. Anxiety being a light side meant he would have so much more control over Thomas. That thought really got under Romans skin. Even without Anxiety having a huge impact on Thomas because he's not apart the of the main light sides but not that Patton's letting him in....He would have so much more control over Thomas. If he really choose to he could revenge take over....
"No. That's ridiculous." Roman said to himself . "And even if he tried I'll protect Thomas. I won't let The dark sides ruin his life. Especially not anxiety."
And Roman swore that no matter what happened he'd never allow himsesf to be close to Anxiety.

(Word count~ 756 words)
Sorry it's so short! Just a bit of a filler before Anxiety joins the light side of the mind palace in the next chapter! Hope you'd enjoy~

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