Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Where did you learn to do that by hand?" Rose asked her.

"I got a friend to bring back a book from her Choosing Day, I couldn't go experience that world myself, but I know that human's can-do magical things with their hands. I studied that book until it fell apart. I'm pleased to finally be able to do someone's hair other than mine and Aine's of course!"

Aine swished around her half up, half down hair and smiled. A wave of Lux's wand and Rose's make up was immaculate. Lux added a lace train to her hair and Rose looked every inch the bride.

"You look wonderful. My brother is one lucky man!" Lux complimented Rose as she looked at the final product in the mirror. Rose looked in the mirror again, it needed more sparkles and since Mrs Hawthorne was long gone, she waved her wand and added diamantes to the dress and made the feathers on her corset have a sprinkle of glitter. Aine rolled her eyes as she saw her daughter admiring the now sparkling dress, everyone in the palace knew that Rose was obsessed with bling.

An aide rapped their knuckles on the door and the three ladies knew it was time to leave for the wedding. Nervously they made sure they hadn't left anything behind before they left. Rose was shaking and her knees were going week. Today's celebration was months in the making and now it was a reality. Outside the room where they were getting Rose ready, they met Edwin who was in his nanny's arms. Edwin's chubby cheeks looked adorable squished up over his bow tie and his hair was balding at the back where he'd rubbed it off. It made her well up to see him in a small smart outfit, Rose went and cooed over her son.

It was a long walk to the ladybird driven carriage outside, her heels clicked on the floor and all the staff inside the palace were standing in the lobby clapping as she went past. A huge banner was in the lobby "congratulations on your wedding day!" It said.

"Thank you, everyone! See you later!" Rose addressed the lobby that was full of servants. They were all cheering and wearing a special uniform for the day – it was glittery. She knew they must have done that especially for her.

Two of the guards in their sparkly hats, opened the doors to the palace to reveal the carriage outside. Rose felt like Cinderella when she saw the pumpkin, the carriage was white and covered in various flowers. The wheels were ornate, and the carriage was truly a wonder to behold. They'd even added sparkly additions to it too, the carriage was sparkling in the sunlight. The driver got out of his part of the carriage and opened the door for Rose to get inside. He bowed as she climbed in, Rose's huge puffy dress filled the carriage but there was a gap next to her for someone to sit.

"Mother?" Rose called out. Aine was stood next to Lux and pointed at herself when Rose called for her. Gesturing for Aine to join her in the carriage, Aine blushed and walked over, proud that her daughter wanted her to ride with her through the crowds. Rose held her mother's hand when she sat down.

"Love you," Rose told her mother.

Aine welled up, "Love you too, darling" she was bursting with pride and dabbed the tears under her eyes with a white tissue that she'd got from her purse. The women went riding through the crowd lined the street to the tree church. The church was covered in lace, bunting and flowers today and as it was a willow tree by the side of the dyke at the back of the Holt it was a long drive. The scent that came off the flowers along the route was a captivating smell, although Rose was quite distracted because she hadn't got a bouquet. So, when the driver let them out of the carriage, knowing that she hadn't got any of her own to carry, Rose went over and picked a flower from in front of the tree church. It was a daisy, and the paparazzi went wild. The flashes of the cameras were blinding, Rose tried to pose the best she could, but she couldn't help but feel she'd look a little startled with all the flashes in her eyes.

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