5.2 : five.2

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"Done!" Hyunjin exclaimed as he slapped his books shut.

Seungmin smiled from relief and asked "Now, Rocket League?"

"Sure" was all Hyunjin said and went for his PS4. He gave Seungmin's controller for Seungmin. The boy had fell in love with the custom-coloured light pink controller when he visited Hyunjin the first time. After that, Seungmin had always insisted on getting that one, saying it's his 'lucky charm'. Hyunjin had gave up on that pretty quickly.

Hyunjin plopped on the edge of his bed and Seungmin soon followed next to the other.

"Seungmin, you—"

"HA! You think you could beat me in this, I've played this since it came on Xbox! I'm a pro!"

"How don't you get tired of it? I switch my games like every month"


"No, I'm not! And now I'm crashed! Screw you!"

Hyunjin took the advantage of the moment of being dead to take a quick look at Seungmin. He was full on in the game, he tapped, or more like abused his controller by hitting it so hard. Hyunjin just thought that it was cute.

"Hyunjin, you're getting swooped away if you don't move, are you afking?"

"Yeah yeah I'm not", Hyunjin muttered as he had a difficult time leaving the sight of the other.

. . .

sorry for the short chap lmao

not! : seungjinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora