5.1 : five.1

252 35 4

List 20


1- is NOT cute.
2- is NOT cuter than girls in our year
3- is NOT the cutest !!!!

Believe it or not, as weeks went by, Seungmin had became actual friends with Hyunjin. Sure, Felix was a pain in the ass (because Seungmin had told the freckled one about his feelings towards Hyunjin) but Felix knew to keep his mouth shut when Hyunjin was around. The trio got closer every day, as Seungmin and Felix found out that Hyunjin didn't really have friends at their school. The acting club friends he had, they went to another school beside the drama classes.

"Hyunjin, what's the answer to this? It's too boring and complex to calculate, let me borrow your notebook, pleeeasee" Seungmin purred, more like cried, into Hyunjin's ear.

"You ass, you should do them yourself! How else are you supposed to learn?"

"Hmph. I'll ask Felix then." Seungmin was already holding his phone.

". . . Fine. Take it. " Hyunjin said and threw his maths notebook to Seungmin.

It's not like Seungmin craved the other's attention. They were studying on Hyunjin's bed, tens of books surrounding them. Naturally you'd just want the other to notice you, right?

He didn't know what had gotten into him, but Seungmin hadn't gotten the same amount of attention that the books had from Hyunjin and it irritated him to the top. His solution was to get rid of the books.

He snapped the book that was being read away from Hyunjin's hands, sheepishly hiding it behind himself.

"Hey, I was reading that!" Hyunjin exclaimed, now pouting.

Seungmin felt better.

Unfortunately, Hyunjin threw himself at Seungmin and stole the book back, saying nothing as he continued his homework, giggling a little at the side.

Seungmin let out a little huff. What now?

Seungmin started whining from frustration.
"Hmmph, why do we have so much work? It's killing me! Hyunjin, can we drop out and live on the streets? I don't want to do this, Hyunjiiiin~"

Hyunjin exhaled powerfully, it wasn't concidered a sigh (,from Seungmin's point of view. For Hyunjin himself, it definitely was).

"Seungmin, listen up, we don't have much work left! Just these two papers and we're done for today. Just bare with it for a while, alright? After this we can go play something."

"Rocket League?" Seungmin asked, shine in his eyes.

"Sure. Just do your work", Hyunjin said with a motherly tone, then returned to the world of homework.

Shit, this didn't work, too! Seungmin was irritated.

He started hitting Hyunjin. Not with much force, just enough that this bastard will leave those books alone for a second!

"Ow, ow, ow! Why are you hitting me? Did I say something wrong? You're suddenly acting like this, tell me what's up!"

Seungmin kept his mouth shut, but as a slight blush creeped unstoppably to his face, he took a Ryan plushie from Hyunjin's bed and covered Hyunjin's face. He really has to make me blush now? For what reason!!? He didn't even do anything!

Hyunjin giggled.
"Aww, why are you like this? Attention needy much? Pfft."

"No, I'm not! You're annoying me!" Seungmin said and shifted Hyunjin's plushie from Hyunjin's to his own face.

"Come here, come", Hyunjin patted a spot on the bed closer to Hyunjin. He moved the books out of his way and opened his hands for Seungmin.

Seungmin, with a flaming face, crawled next to Hyunjin and dove into Hyunjin's embrace.

All of Seungmin's stress was relieved for that very moment. All he had in his heart was joy and delight. And a little of embarrasment, too. But just a little!

Hyunjin breathed Seungmin's hair lightly.
He had his own unexplainable scent, which Hyunjin thought that will completely enchant him some day.

He really hoped Seungmin didn't find him weird. Ever since the first walking-home-situation, Hyunjin couldn't keep himself from doing affectionate things to Seungmin. Seungmin was like a little puppy and Hyunjin felt the need to protect that poor thing.

He always doubted himself and overthought and rolled on his bed without sleep because of Seungmin.
He was trying his best in balancing himself on the thin rope of not-giving-him-enough and you're-starting-to-look-desperate-for-him. He wanted his actions to perfectly interpret his thoughts on Seungmin, but it was way too hard and he was starting to lose the control of his heart. Gosh! He didn't even know what to think about the boy, it's not like Hyunjin had felt these kind of things for a boy before! Furthermore, what if he didn't like me? It'd be such an embarrasment!!

Hyunjin now stroking Seungmin's hair slowly, they continued doing their homework in silence, ears red for both of them.

. . .

softies uwuw

not! : seungjinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ