1 : one

559 41 13

List 9


1– is NOT absolutely lovely
2– is NOT the cutest when he's awkward
3– does NOT have a cute ass smile
4– is NOT p e r f e c t
5– is NOT ha

Seungmin yeets his notebook away as Felix jumps on his back on Seungmin's seat, trying to see what the other was writing, as it wasn't Seungmin's style to write anything not school-related. Especially in school.

"Sissy, I have the goddamn right to know what you're doing!" Felix whined.
He slapped the back of Seungmin's head and turned a chair from the desk in front of them, to face it opposite of Seungmin, sitting down on the chair and pouting like a child who didn't get the toy he wanted.

"Susan I have the right to have my own space. You don't have to know everything I'm doing," Seungmin sighed dramatically while rolling his eyes. But the sixteen year old Felix was, the statement only excited him more about Seungmin's ~secrets~.

He, by creeking the school's chair that was already suffering enough without it being violated, scooted over next to Seungmin.
"Eh, it's something special? Show me!"

Seungmin sent a death glare to his nosy friend.
"Why am I best friends with you, again?"

"Because you love me. And bro I'm your only friend. So you should be thanking me instead of scolding me."

"I have other friends."

"No you don't. You don't concider your pet plants as your friends, even though you sing lullabies to them every night."

"Bitch I feel exposed what the—"

"I do know every single move you make. And most of them are wrong ones. So listen, if it's anything, it should be me whom you're telling. I'll guide you to the ~flower path of good decicions~." Felix nudged Seungmin's now sunken shoulder.

"But my singing is still better than yours, you sound like you came from the deepest of hells," Seungmin huffed but smiled.
Felix was right on the decicion making. That's why Seungmin let Felix do the thinking (even though actually, they most apparently ended up in the same situation as if Seungmin would've been in charge. That's that and their friendship.).

Felix lowered his voice as low as he could, "Honey, you haven't even seen the beginning."
Seungmin practically squawked from shock, with Felix laughing at his extra-and-unrequested reaction.

"So anyway, watch out of that little notebook of yours. You know I don't respect your privacy!"

"Shut your freckled ass up", Seungmin muttered.

"Now, may I excuse myself, I'll go to the wo-not-men's room" Seungmin stood up, grabbed his notebook so that 'Felix wouldn't be an ass and search it through' and got as far away as he needed to to not see Felix anymore. Then he opened his booklet, and finished the word that was rudely interrupted earlier.


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