4 : four

241 38 7

List 15


1– does NOT make me happy and fulfilled
2- is NOT a sweetie
3- is NOT easy to talk to or friendly
4- no. NOT AT ALL!!!
5. i DO NOT think i have a
slight teeny tiny baby crush on him.

Seungmin smiled. He was still in dreamland after what had happened the day before. Hyunjin remembered him, walked with him, nothing could bring him down at that moment. Not even that he had accidentally admitted he had a crush on. . . ah, forget it. Time will pass and everything will be fine, I don't deserve him. . . am I really thinking like this? Wait why it's not like I'll ever get a chance. . . gosh, stop it, Seungmin!

The hallway of the school's first floor was nearly empty. Lessons wouldn't start until 8.15 and it was only 7.50. Why was Seungmin here this early, you'd ask? Of course he waited for Hyunjin to notice him, god. That suckass was always sitting outside the class so early that some people hadn't even woken up yet. And, always, he'd have his homework scattered around him, and he'd be making them in a rush. Haha, stupid kid.

"Oh, hi! Seungmin!" Hyunjin waved at the boy that was obviously outside the wrong classroom's door. Hyunjin didn't seem to care, bless him.


"Listen, I don't want to sound pushy, but can you help me with economics homework? I literally can't do it", Hyunjin pouted to convince the other to help.

"Economics? Can't find a subject that I suck at more than it. But, let's struggle together?"
Seungmin had seen his chance and was handling it supposedly well. Go, Seungmin!

The pair tried to finish Hyunjin's homework, Seungmin panicking the closeness they had. About a week ago, he wouldn't even think that anything like this would happen. Hyunjin had just been a polite boy who had grabbed Seungmin's attention.

But now, Hyunjin kept glancing over Seungmin and leaning close to him, asking questions about the books he had on Seungmin's side. This didn't bother Seungmin the slightest, he enjoyed it for as long as he could.
To be honest, Hyunjin seemed like he never did his homework at home. He should ask about it, right?

"Hey, Hyunjin. . why don't you just do your homework at home?"

Hyunjin turned to look at the concerned boy.
"I don't have any motivation to do it there. I can only focus here."

". . . Ah. I see. . . why don't you get a tutor?"

"Do you know a subject well?"

Seungmin shocked. Why is he suddenly. . .

"Well, i can do maths and english well, I think—"

"Can you be my tutor?" Hyunjin asked a tid too fast, like he hadn't even thought about it.

Seungmin cheek-smiled shyly.
"If you want to, I'm just very bad at teaching," Seungmin shrugged his shoulders, "but I guess I can try. It's not like we even live far apart, apparently!"

"It's a deal then." Hyunjin smiled.
"I'll come ask you when I need help. We can also do homework together, it might help me focus."

Seungmin shined from the inside, his crush (yeah crush, sort of, of course—) asked Kim Seungmin to tutor him!

. . .

sorry english machine broke

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