Forget Me Not

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I spy with my little eye... no more soft Katsuki?

 no more soft Katsuki?

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He awoke to the sound of beeping instruments and stuffy air. Different voices drifted in and out, Bakugo couldn't understand anything being said. It was like trying to listen to a conversation on another side of a wall, it was foggy and far away. Bright lights shone down on his body making him move his head back and forth. The white walls and ceiling made the lights even worse. The muffled voices started to get to his head and the lights made a feeling of dizziness wash over. Bakugo squinted, trying to discern where he could be.

It was too much work.

He was exhausted, like he'd ran a million miles and then a couple more. Bakugo felt weightless lying down. He was short of breath and barley hanging on.

It was too much work.

Katsuki decided to close his eyes again and disappear.


Slipping back into the space between conscience and unconsciousness, Bakugo felt something on his hand. A weight had been placed—wrapped around—his left hand.

Words were being said, low and rushed. But, yet again, the sound was muffled and seemed far away.

Katsuki's hand started to shake and he squeezed harder onto whatever was anchoring him down. It was a solid feeling. Knowing something—someone—was there.

Bakugo slowly rolled his head to the side, trying to unmask the person. The lights had made his eyesight blurry and all he could make out was a body outline with a few colors.

The cuff of a green long sleeve shirt brushed against Bakugo's wrist. His skin turned fuzzy.

He watched as a pink mouth moved up and down. The person hadn't stopped talking, the muffled voice dulled Katsuki's senses.

The figure inched closer, leaning over Bakugo. He squinted, scrunching his face together, trying to see more clearly. Black hair trickled down from the person's shoulders, bouncing off of Bakugo's cheek. Purple—no, magenta?—eyes were wide as they looked down at the ash-blond.

He was so tired. Incoherent thoughts pilled on top of each other, threatening to explode. Bakugo's head pounded with a new weight.

And then... he slipped back into the quiet.


"You can decide to tell him if you want. He won't remember anything, so it's your choice." A raspy man's voice brought Katsuki back from the dead.

A woman's voice followed. "How sad," a pause, "thank you."

Bakugo wriggled around restlessly. It felt like he had been in bed for months. He was ready to do something.

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