Narcissus & Narcissism

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Hi!! It takes until the middle of this chapter for Kami to make an entrance. Hold strong and don't leave! Because from what my readers have said: you're in for a treat!!

 Hold strong and don't leave! Because from what my readers have said: you're in for a treat!!

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The first day of senior year was a bust.

The halls were crowded and loud. Laughs peaked above the noise. Different hair colors contrasted together as everyone was squeezed close. There were cliques and groups everywhere, making Bakugo sullen. He looked down at his shuffling feet and willed for the day to end. He had been abandoned, discarded, thrown away; and he just wanted to leave.

Bakugo stumbled through his classes. Papers were pilling up in his folder weighing him down in the hallways. None of it was homework, just stuff his parents had to sign.

The teachers in every class repeated over and over again how this year was so much more important. Blah blah blah, acceptance rates, yada yada yada, this year is going to be harder than the last. The teachers always give them the same spiel every year. There was probably a script.

He hated high school with a passion, and this day only added to the fire. The only reason he was still in the damn brick furnace was because he needed to get into U.A. University. And the only way to get in was being top of your class. U.A. University helped young adults with amazing quirks become pro heroes. Ever since he was little, Bakugo knew what he was going to be when he grew up: The Number One Pro Hero!

Half of the blond's summer was filled doing miscellaneous jobs to save money, which mostly included cleaning and now he couldn't go anywhere near cleaning fluid without getting PTSD.

The other half of his Summer was taken up by acceptance letters and extracurricular activities. Bakugo would've done anything to stand out to U.A.. He kept up with his studies and pulled ahead of his lowly classmates. Bakugo's heart was set on U.A. and nothing would change that.


Over the Summer Bakugo's best bud, Ren, moved to another city and the two hadn't kept in touch. His other two friends, Aito and Tomohiro, only hung around because of Ren; the guy was an idiot magnet. Bakugo knew Aito and Tomohiro didn't favor him, but fucking christ. Way to ditch a guy.

He was a loner.


Ren and Katsuki had met in 2nd grade when they were paired together for field day. By that time they had both manifested their quirks and decided to use them to their benefit. The whole day Bakugo's quirk was useless. How could cannons and spitfire help him jump rope? He had felt so weak. But Ren had stepped in and helped Bakugo. Ren made sure to run slower than Bakugo and jump shorter than Bakugo. If Katsuki had known what the black haired kid was doing he would've felt insulted. Now, when the blond thinks back, he's positive Ren could've won the field day all by himself. His quirk replicated things. He could look at anything and then it'd be coming out of his mouth a second later. It was really disturbing as a kid to watch someone throw-up sponges but whatever. Ren was also an amazing athlete. All through junior high he'd won trophies left and right and by ninth grade, colleges wanted to recruit him for his stunning performances.

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