The Same of Your Kind

Start from the beginning

A soft smile spread out across your face and you stared at the sky fondly. 'I want to learn more about this world and about myself.' You admitted and raised your hand towards the sky. You then let your hand drop to your side and closed your eyes. Some day, you would explore more of this world. Even if it took you a very long time.

With those thoughts in mind, you allowed yourself to be enveloped in sleep.

"Oi, kid, KID! Watch out! You're getting kidna-"


The light voices and sounds of metal clanging against each other is what awoke you the next day. You shifted in discomfort and slowly opened your eyes. You then sat up and furrowed your brows in confusion. This wasn't where you fell asleep.

Around you, there were news papers scattered everywhere and just in front of you there was a pile water? You furrowed your brows in confusion at the puddle. Suddenly, a robot's face appeared in front of yours, surprising you.

"GAH! W-wha-"

"Ah, he's awake!" The tall lanky robot exclaimed. Behind him, two other robots appeared.

"Don't you mean she?" The shorter robot pointed out, and he was a... fridge...? The largest robot out of the three pondered at you for a moment before rubbing the back of his head.

"Do they even have a gender?" You blinked at them. You then glanced behind you and saw that your hands were bound by chains.

"Um, why am I tied to a chair?" You questioned as you looked up at the bickering robots. Whilst the lanky looking robot and the fridge argued, the muscular one turned towards you and bowed his head to you in apology.

"I'm sorry about that. I'll help you out of those." He offered and walked towards you. You smiled brightly at him.

"Ah, no need." As you said this, you ripped your arms away from the chains, breaking them. The three robots gaped at you as you stood up. The lanky one then grinned from ear to ear and slapped his hand over his knee.

"I knew he was special!" He exclaimed.

"She is especially exceptional." The fridge commented. You cocked your head to the side in confusion.

"Um, where am I? And who are you?" You questioned. The lanky robot cleared his throat and gestured to himself with a proud smile.

"My name is Sparx, the brains."

"And I'm Robotski, the muscle." The larger robot introduced.

"And I'm Mike the Fridge! I'm...the fridge." Mike said and gave you a small wave. You waved back.

"And together we're...!"

"The Robots of Revolution, yeah yeah we get it already!" A fourth voice piped in. Your eyes widened at the familiar voice. You then opened Mike's door and saw that mean robot's head was inside.

"Gah, it's you!" You cried out. The robot sneered at you.

"Yeah, so what!? You were the dummy that got the two of us kidnapped by these psychos!" It yelled. Sparx rolled his eyes and shut Mike's fridge.

"Oh be quiet. We didn't kidnap him, we merely escorted him. He looked like he needed a place to stay for the night." Sparx explained. Mike huffed and looked up at Sparx.

"For someone with brains you really suck at telling which gender she is!" He snapped. You raised an eyebrow at the two. Did it really matter what they called you?

Robotski smiled slightly at you and approached you.

"Say, what is your name?" He asked, his deep voice was the gentlest thing you had ever heard. You blinked up at him and looked down at your chest. You then took out your name tag and showed it to him.

Astro Boy: Loving What Is Unknown (Astro X Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now