A boy in black .

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When Nico arrived at Thalia's tree, he greeted Hecate with a grumpy "good morning". 

He should have probably been more respectful, gods tended to have a short temperament.  Thankfully, Hecate seemed to be in such a happy mood she didn't even notice how grumpy the son of Hades was. She was apparently very happy to send a demigod to the wizards, which was understandable. She was the only god who wanted to unite the demigods and wizards, and this was the perfect opportunity.

"Hello Nico" She beamed a smile.

"I hope you have prepared yourself. Here is your stuff and all things I deemed necessary for your quest. " She flicked her hand and a big bag appeared.

"I also have your wand." She took out a thin black stick with a dark wooden pattern. "It is made out of Ebony, a thestral tail hair as the core. 13 inches." The godess handed him the wand and he took it uncertainly.

"your train leaves at 11 at King's Cross Station. The ticket is in your pocket. When you arrive at Hogwarts there will hopefully be a professor there to pick you up. They believe that you are transferring from Illvermorny, please stick to this story." Nico nodded and tried to store the important information he just got. It would be bad if he forgot any of it.

"Will I have the chance to IM my friends?" A whole school term without contacting anybody would be tough, especially if he would be forced to hang out with wizards and witches.

"Yes you will, but I must say that it can only be done if absolutely necessary. Iris message is a form of godly magic and would be a dead giveaway if anyone catches you. I recommend sending letters by owl instead. Athena has been kind enough to lend you one of her owl's. It is very special and one of her favourites. Her name is Ella, treat her well. She will meet you at Hogwarts."

"That is all I have to say. Good luck Nico di Angelo."

With that, she flicked her wrist and disappeared.

Nico stared at the spot the goddess had stood on for a while. He then turned to look at Camp half-blood one last time before grabbing the trunk in a firm grip and stepping into the shadow of Thalia tree.


Hermione Granger.

The trio had just said their goodbyes and was now boarding the Hogwarts express. Hermione was excited to go back to school. Hogwarts was her second home and the DADA lessons would hopefully be educational this year now when you-know-who was back. She had read in the daily prophet  that many people were in denial of his return, which in her opinion was absolutely ridiculous.

As Hermione and her two best friends walked through the corridor looking through the train after a free compartment. In one of them sat a short pale boy with pretty long black, messy hair. He had a black t-shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. He also had a brown aviator's jacket on. The thing that bothered her was that she had never seen him before.

Hermione was proud to say that she knew everyone at the school, at least their name. She had however never seen this boy before. He looked too old to be a first year, but too young to be a teacher.

She was about to open the compartment and ask if they could sit there, but Ginny opened the door to the compartment to the left of the boys where Neville and Luna apparently sat.

Hermione was about to walk in with the others when she remembered that she was a prefect. She and Ron had to go to the prefect compartment first, how could she be so forgetful?


When she and the group exited the express, hermione had forgotten about the mysterious boy in black. Instead, she and the others started walking towards the carriages.

"what are those?" Harry's voice was a bit higher than usual. Hermione turned her head to see what Harry was pointing at, but couldn't see anything.

"what Harry? There is nothing there." She squinted her eyes to see if he was pointing at something really small, maybe in the forest behind the carriges.

"The things that are pulling the carriages!" At Harry's words, Hermione glanced a bit worryingly at Ron, who seamed just as weirded out as she was.

"There is nothing there Harry, they pull themselves."

"bu-" Harry was cut off by a smooth voice in the background.

"What are those?" Hermione wipped around to find the boy in black from the train standing in front of another carriage, with professor McGonnagall behind him. The professor sent him a sad smile and ushered him along, saying something about not being late.

Hermiones mind was racing. Who was that? What are the things in front of the carriages? Why was professor McGonnagall escorting him?

Ron, having seen her stopped deep in thought, sighed amusingly and dragged her into one of the carriages.



I'm going away for a two week camp where no phones or computers are allowed, meaning that I can't update in the next two weeks.

If you got any ideas or have found any grammar mistakes, please comment!

Thank you for reading chapter 2!

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