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♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤The Avengers suited up and Natalia put on her new suit that looked like her old suit but Tony told her that through the years he will update her suit often

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The Avengers suited up and Natalia put on her new suit that looked like her old suit but Tony told her that through the years he will update her suit often.She wears a black mask that only cover her eyes.Its like she has her own Jarvis but she could only see it.She puts on her mask and they all walk together to the quinjet."Hello Ms.Romanoff I am your personal Al and I record and see everything you do and help you with things"A womens voice said."Uhmm Hello your that suit lady Uncle Tony told me about and that's so cool"Natalia said."I know it's the training wheels protocall but he cancelled it out"The Al said."Hey kid are you talking alone"Clint said and Natalia shakes her head."Do I have to give you a name?"Natalia asks."It's your choice Natalia"The Al says."Im going to name you Iris I love that name so hello Iris"Natalia says with a smile."Hello Natalia"Iris says.

They get off the quinjet and go inside slowly.They all split up and Natalia had guns and knifes in her side.They could hear ultron."It's just that I don't understand Don't compare me with Stark! It's a thing with me. Stark is... He's a sickness!"Ultron says." Junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart"Tony says while landing on his Iron man suit.The Avengers come into view except Clint,Natalia and Natasha."If I have to"Ultron says.Natalia holds her gun ready."Nobody has to break anything"Thor says and Natalia could see the twins."Clearly you've never made an omelet"Ultron said."He beat me by one second"Tony says jockingly."Yes. He's funny. Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable?Like old times?"Pietro says and Natalia's hold tightens on the gun."That was never my life"Tony says and Steve steps in."You two can still walk away from this"Steve says."We will"Wanda says."I know you've suffered"Steve says."Ugh Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth but.."Ultron says."If you believe in peace, then let us keep it"Thor says."I think you're confusing peace with quiet."Ultron says."Yeah huh What's the vibranium for?"Tony says."I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan"Ultron says then Natalia hears crashing and fighting and metal.Natalia sees men coming her way and she quickly kicks one of them and knees him in the face.She hits one of them with her gun.She shoots the others and then she kicks one and he falls.All of a sudden Natalia sees a blurr and she sees Pietro standing in front of me."Nati come with us you will be safe eith us what did they do"Pietro asks and Natalia shakes her head while hugging Pietro."They haven't hurt me and I found my sister and they took really good care of me"Natalia says and Pietro looks at her."You are with them now?You betrayed us"Pietro says while glaring at her and Natalia shakes her head."No I'm not I-I they're my family"Natalia says and Pietro shakes his head and looks behind Natalia and nods.All of a sudden she sees red.
Her hallucination
Natalia is standing in a mountain and sees Natasha in the ground of a cliff dead."No..No"Natalia says all of a sudden she sees Tony half burned and Natalia cries silently."Finish them"Someone says behind her and she shakes her head."No...No"Natalia says while crying."You killed them look at them you killed them you could have saved them but no you were a coward you were weak you were not enough to save your family"The man says.She sees people looking at her with hatred and they all surround her and throw things at her and she sees her family and friends laughing at how she is suffering.All of a sudden she hears someone call her name. "Natalia..Natalia wake up"
End of hallucination
Clint finds Natalia crying in the corner while holding her head and sights."Hey hey little assassin it's ok it wasn't real that little witch go into your head ok"Clint says but Natalia shakes her head."But it felt so real I thought they were my family"Natalia says and Clint carries her to the Quinjet.They all sit in silence and Natasha is currently comforting Natalia who's taking this way hard."The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is,There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air"Maria says in the speaker."The Stark Relief Foundation?"Tony asks. "Already on the scene.,How's the team?"Maria sayd."Everyone's... We took a hit. We'll shake it off"Tony says and Natalia squeezes her sisters hand."Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here"Maria says."So, run and hide?"Tony asks."Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer"Maria says and Tony looks at Natalia who looks traumatized."Neither do we"Tony says and ends the call with Maria.Tony walks over to Clint who is driving the Quinjet."-Hey, you wanna switch out?"Tony asks."No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time because we're still a few hours out"Clint says and Tony looks at him."Few hours from where?"Tony asks."A safe house"Clint says.Steve looks at Natalia."Hey kid how are you doing"Steve asks and Natalia shrugs."Im coping slowly what about you?"Natalia asks and Steve nods."Im getting there"Steve says and ruffles her hair."Don't stress yourself kid"Bruce says while he wraps the blancket aeound him.Tony goes to where Natalia is at."Hey Kiddo remember what I told you"Tony says and Natalia nods slowly."Yeah I have to be strong"Natalia says and Tony shakes his head."You have to be strong for yourself not for the people from the outside for yourself...No kid should go through what you have been or what you are going through"Tony says and Natalia shakes her head with tears."I just want to have a normal childhood and go to school like every normal teenager"Natalia says and Natasha hugs her."Kid I promise you after this is over I will give you that don't worry I will send you to a school in Queens and make sure you have a normal childhood because I can't believe in saying this but you are like a daughter to me and I want you to be strong and have control over yourself ok and if you don't I will sell your suit on ebay"Tony says making Natalia laugh and nod."I will Uncle Tony and thank you"Natalia says and gives him a hug."Stay strong kid"Clint says from the pilot seat.

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