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"I thought I asked you to watch over her, Jean." I heard Levi address the copperette, who coughed at his sudden recognition.
"Well...I tried, Sir...but you know how stubborn she is..." He replied awkwardly, still lingering by the door.
"Right. I can't deny that, I suppose. You can go." Attention returned to me once the door clicked closed, but I didn't want to pull back from Erwin's lap. I didn't want to really see the extent of his injuries.

"Come on, sit down and have some tea with us, (Y/N). You need to at least have some sort of hydration." The Commander tried to coax me, but I just smooshed my face further into his body. "(Y/N), don't be like that. I'm perfectly fine. I would much rather know how you're holding up." Hesitantly, I sat back on my heels, finally looking up at the damage. Erwin's sleeve was tied into a tight not right below where it started, near his shoulder. Bandages were hidden well by the make of his off-white shirt, and he didn't look all that sickly. He was just like he always had been, apart from the faint bags beneath his crystalline eyes.

"I..I'm fine..." I murmured, unable to rip my eyes away from the sight of it. After what he had gone through, I didn't feel like I had the right to complain.
"You're a pitiful liar, girl." Levi scoffed, nudging me with his boot to make me get off the floor and take a seat. "We need to discuss something with you, anyway. Considering you barged in here ahead of schedule, it may as well be now."

"I didn't barge...Jean knocked..." I grumbled, wiping away my tears and climbing up to sit right up against Erwin's side. "It's about Nicho...isn't it..?" The Commander nodded, seeming to be perfectly accepting of my closeness, and leant back in his seat.
"Yes, there is a funeral, of sorts, set to be held within the interior, in the Orvud district. Both Levi and myself noticed how you seemed to be responding to him before the battle, and we both wanted to know your thoughts on the matter." He explained, turning to look at me with a soft expression. "The matter being whether you wished to attend or not."

I...don't know...

"It's rare for any sort of scout to have a proper funeral like this. Bodies aren't typically recovered from battle, really. Plus, along with his prior status-"
"Levi, you should be a little more sympathetic." Erwin nagged at the captain, realising I was being awfully quiet. "It just felt wrong to keep this information from you. We are both well aware that the remaining members of your family will be in attendance, but if you do choose to go, you will certainly not do so alone."

Do I want to..?

Nicholas had really tried to make things somewhat right. He knew that being in the Survey Corps meant that days were numbered, but he went along and did it anyway, because of me. I had been the one to send him to the back lines, where his maker awaited him. It was all a jumble in my aching head.

"C..can you go with me..?" I looked up and across at Levi, who cocked a brow at my request. Uncrossing his legs, he leant forward, disrupting the flow of steam rising from his cup of tea.
"Is there any particular reason why you would request me, of all people?" He questioned, very much perplexed, despite his facial expressions not showing the bulk of it.

I'm more comfortable with you...

"'re scary. Plus, you can kick ass if they try to start shit..." I offered him my reasoning, and he clicked that tongue of his, rolling his eyes as he sat back.
"Damn right I can. If I'm not needed here, I guess I can go out of my way..." He sighed, not seeming all that happy about it.
"Good, I'm...glad..." I murmured, rubbing at my forehead, which throbbed incessantly.
"Listen, you need to go get some more rest. We can let you know the details later, so just try to focus on recuperation, alright?" Erwin nudged me gently with his shoulder, and I frowned.

Vista - Attack on Titan x Reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن