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"Uh...(YN)..? You look...dead..."

I didn't even bother to lift my head from the table when I heard Marco's comment. It was now dinner time, and I had spent the entire day being whipped into shape by the devilish dwarf. My shoulder hurt, my lungs hurt, heck, even my eyelashes seemed to hurt.

"M'fine..." I mumbled, but I quickly turned on my defences when I heard more than one person set their trays down.
"You look like you need some more food! That'll fix you right up!" I managed to look up after feeling crumbs spray out over the crown of my head, and I came face to face with not only Marco, but five other people. The one who had assaulted me with glutenous spitfire was a girl with long, brown hair, tied up in a ponytail. I knew that because she was the only one to have a full mouth. Next to her sat a shaven boy, then beside him sat Reiner. A taller, timid looking ravonette sat on his left, and beside him, much to my dismay, was Jean.

"She's probably just sore from having that captain's head lodged so far up her ass..." The undercut asswipe muttered, and he yelped as Marco delivered a swift kick to his shin beneath the table.
"Be nice!" He snapped before giving me a nervous smile. "Uh, don't take his insults to heart, (Y/N)...he's a good guy, I swear..."

Yeah, no...I know what kind of guy he is...

"I hope you don't mind us tagging along with Marco today. I guess we thought you could get to know some more of us." Reiner smiled as he took a bite of his food; nudging the black-haired guy in the ribs.
"Oh...uh...I'm Bertholdt...Nice to meet you..." He said nervously, glancing between me and his friend.
"I'm Connie! You've probably heard of me. I'm kind of a genius." The shaven guy took his chance to be noticed, but I just gave him a weak nod. "And this guts ache is Sasha..." I moved my attention back to the only other girl, and she still had her cheeks filled with food.

God, I wish I wasn't here right now.

"Um...hey..." I murmured; unknowingly shifting a little closer to Marco's side. Their chatter was making me uncomfortable, as I just didn't fit in. I didn't know anything about what they were talking about, nor did I want to be roped in and made a fool of, even if they didn't intend it. That was...until a topic I was all too familiar with was brought up.

"...and there was this boar my father has been trying to catch for years! It's not huge, but it just doesn't seem to go for any of the bait he sets out!" Sasha was finally speaking without a full mouth, and I meekly looked up at her and took a deep breath.
"Sweet corn..." Of course, I shied away when everyone at the table turned their attention to me, but Sasha's was the most intense pair of eyes out of the lot.

"Wait? Corn? You know hunting?!" I could tell she was about to jump up from her seat, and that was a terrifying thought. The whole mess hall would be gawking at us then.
"Y..yeah...It's how I survived soak sweet corn for a few days...I know it's not easy to get these days...but...when it sours, it lures them right in..."

I wasn't sure why I grabbed onto Marco's sleeve when Sasha launched herself over the table, but it didn't really matter once the three of us fell backwards and onto the floor. My stomach was in my throat as I looked up at the girl, who was now straddling me and grinning like some kind of crazed fanatic.

"You're so smart! I'm gonna write to him about it as soon as possible! Thank you so much, (Y/N)! Finally, someone else to talk hunting with!" Marco sat up and gave her a glare, but of course, she ignored it. She was just too excited.

"Come on, Sasha...get off of her..." He grumbled; rubbing his head with the back of his hand. The second she climbed off me I was on my feet and retreating towards the doors.
"Uh...I gotta...go...bye..." I could hear Marco scolding the girl before I finally left the largely populated room, and my chest felt tight. It wasn't that I didn't want to be able to get along with people. I just couldn't. So many years of isolation just destroyed whatever small amount of hope I had to be fully functional in the social department.

Vista - Attack on Titan x Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang