#32 "What Type Of Boyfriend He Is"

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The 'never available on texts' one
He is the kind who is just never around on texts, you could call him and meet him but when it comes to texting, he is always MIA. He claims he is not that into technology, but we all know that the unanswered texts hurt quite a bit!

Kim Taehyung
The geeky one
He talks about his video game characters and his fantasy football team and it is cute AF! He is the reason you know exactly how to play 'Clash of Clans' like a pro!

Park Jimin
The mushy one
He is the one we all love who's got romance on the tips of his fingers. He will stand outside your house with placards, call you when you need him to and even visit you with soup when you're sick! You might just feel like the unromantic one between the two of you!

Kim Namjoon
The 'always up for it' one
Then there is the handsy type who's up to down and dirty all the time. If you'd agree, he would be undressing you by now! Good thing is, he's always there when you're in the mood!

Jung Hoseok
The attention loving one
Who says only women are want all the attention? There are boyfriends who need to be constantly shown that they are loved! Nothing wrong with it, but when he sends you a mushy text 50th time in the day when you're out with your girls, it gets a tad bit OTT.

Min Yoongi
The chilled out one
This type can also be referred to as the lazy ones. Not that they don't love you but hey, who wants to get up and put in effort when you can be chilling instead? Sounds kind of drab but the good thing is, on days when you don't have it in you to be up and about, he is totally chill.

Kim Seokjin
The talkative one
This is the one who always has something to talk about. Enjoying the silence is not something he understands and would rather describe the awkwardness of the silence in words rather than just simply sit and hold your hand.

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