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It's been a while, huh?

It slowly got easier for Jenna Watney to make it through the days at work. There were still things that made her want to run home crying, but if Jenna Watney was anything, it was strong. She was not the kind of woman to let people see how things got to her.

Mindy and Melissa had been her rocks through all of it. It was hard to talk to Melissa, as she was currently traveling home from Mars aboard the Hermes, but the few emails that she was able to get to from her were like a breath of fresh air. She felt as though she had been drowning in pity, and Melissa found a way to help her through it. Jenna just wished that she would stop blaming herself. She read the reports and, as sad as it made her, there was nothing that could have been done to save her husband.

She had no clue what she would have done without Mindy. Melissa helped, but she wasn't on earth. Mindy was always there with a hug or a joke when she needed it. Mindy was there to stay with her when Jenna had insisted on working late shift because she couldn't face going home to an empty house.

Mindy Park was a blessing.

So, at this current moment, when Jenna Watney was the loneliest that she had ever been it was Mindy Park that she called for help.

"Are you busy?"

"No," Mindy replied instantly. When her friend needed her, she was never busy.

"I want to get a dog."

"Wait, what?" Mindy asked confused. In all the time that Mindy Park had known Jenna Watney, she had never once expressed a love for dogs. She didn't even know that Jenna liked them.

"Are you drunk? You don't even like dogs."

"I'm lonely! I was going to get a cactus, but I can't pet a cactus. I need a living thing in this house, Mindy, I'm going to go crazy!" Jenna exclaimed into the phone.

"I think you are crazy," Mindy replied, "you can't replace Mark, especially not with a dog."

"I'm not replacing him, I just need something to fill the empty hole he left behind-" she cut herself off. "Holy shit, I'm trying to replace Mark!" Jenna cried into the phone.

"There's nothing wrong with a dog Jenna, I just want to make sure you know what you're doing." Mindy said.

"Should I go with the cactus? I can name it Curtis."

"Curtis the cactus?" Mindy laughed.

"What's wrong with Curtis?" Jenna laughed too.

"You need help," Mindy laughed. "I'll pick you up in ten minutes. We can go to the pound together." Mindy told her.

"You're the best!"


"If you don't find one that you love, don't force yourself into getting a dog. We can still get a cactus." Mindy told Jenna as they sat in the parking lot. In the past month Jenna had gotten happier, but the sadness of losing mark still weighed heavily on her. It was obvious for Mindy. The usual bright light she had in her eyes was dim. It was to be expected, but it still hurt Mindy to see her friend so sad.

Jenna nodded and unbuckled her seatbelt. Her and Mindy both headed inside to meet the dogs.

The pound was quieter then she expected. She could still hear the dogs in the back, but Jenna thought they would be barking non-stop. When she stepped in she was greeted with many different kind of dogs, all in cages along the wall. She frowned. They should all have homes.

You can give a home to one on them.

The small thought cheered her up just a little, but it was enough to continue walking through the isle.

They passed dog after dog, and while they were all cute none of them seemed to be the one.

But then she saw him.

A small little corgi with three legs curled up in the corner. He had such a sad look in his eyes, one that Jenna could relate to. She kneeled down and put her hand on the chain link gate. the dog picked it's head up and started to hobble over to her hand. As he approached, he started to sniff her hand.

Jenna smiled. "Hello Curtis." She said.

Mindy laughed behind her. "Curtis the corgi?"

Jenna nodded.

"You're hopeless."

The Martian's Wife • Mark WatneyWhere stories live. Discover now