"I should text Casey and Ally saying they all can come back upstairs." I said reaching over to grab my phone.

"Are you going to tell them?" he asked curiously.

"I mean, yeah. I already told Casey and Ally. I just wanted to tell you alone first before I told the other boys. I'm having surgery in a few hours so I feel like they need to know," I said sending my text to Casey.

"I'm gonna stay here with you."

"I'll probably sleep for the rest of the night," I said. I didn't want him to sit around in a room and stare at a wall at night long. He was tired and probably needed to go home and rest.

"I don't care, I want to be here the minute you go into surgery, the minute you are done, and the minute you wake up." he said squeezing my hand. I nodded before leaning in to kiss him softly. He made me feel like everything was okay, even if it was for only a minute.

"Thank you," I mumbled against his lips.

"Anything, absolutely anything for you," he said smiling but keeping his forehead against mine.

Of course at that same moment, Michael and the others burst through the door.

"Ugh, get a room!" Michael exclaimed as if he was disgusted.

"Technically we are in a room," Luke said. I just laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I have some news I have to tell you guys." I said scanning over Michael, Ashton, and Calum's face.

"You're not pregnant right?" Michael asked loudly. I rolled my eyes.

"No Michael!" I yelled but I couldn't help but laugh at his childish behavior.

"It's serious." I said giving him a straight face which shut him up.

I informed the other boys of my tumor, holding Luke's hand tight for support. I had told this story a few times already so I only teared up slightly. The room fell silent for a moment once I said all that I had to say.

"I'm so sorry, Bailey." Calum said hugging me. Ashton and Michael did the same. I assured them that it was alright, and there was no need to apologize.

I knew apologizing was just the polite thing to do, but I didn't see it being necessary. They hadn't put the tumor in my brain. It was nice of them to apologize, but it only made my heart feel heavier.

We spent the next few hours talking about anything except for what was currently happening to me. They all understood I needed a distraction; I was incredibly nervous for my surgery.

3pm rolled around and the doctor and my family came into the room.

"We're having a party in here," Dr. Chase said as he entered after my original doctor.

"Dr. Chase is gonna give you a rundown of what's going to happen soon okay Bailey?" my doctor said as Dr. Chase began to remove my IV.

I nodded, and she asked if it bothered me having everyone in the room. I told her it didn't, as they were all my support system. She nodded before leaving the room.

"Alright, well we're going to prep you for surgery. I'm going to shave a small portion of your hair. Don't worry, it will be small enough where you can cover it with the rest of your hair.

We'll give you an anesthetic and the surgeon will ask you to count backwards from ten and some other basic questions. It's just to make sure that everything is working properly while we remove the tumor. Once he's done, you'll probably be asleep for a good part of the night. You won't remember much afterwards and that's okay," Dr. Chase said looking at me.

"Alright," was all I could manage to say. I was still nervous, but I mean who wouldn't be?

"I'll come get you in 30 minutes," Dr. Chase said as he exited and I smiled.

"Hey Ash, I'm gonna stay here with Bailey tonight. I don't need a ride back, i'll call my mom and have her pick me up tomorrow," Luke said still holding my hand.

"We're gonna stay too," Casey said motioning to her and Ally.

"Are you nervous?" Calum asked me.

"Yeah." I confessed.

"You'll be okay," Luke said pulling my hand up, placing a soft kiss on it. I nodded not wanting to talk about it anymore.

The 30 minutes went a lot faster then I hoped they would. but time always went by quickly when I had all my friends around..

"We'll be sure to visit tomorrow, okay?" Ashton said referring to him, Michael and Calum. Dr. Chase walked in giving me a soft smile to let me know it was time. Everyone hugged me tightly, telling me they knew I would be okay.

"We're not moving, we'll be here as soon as you wake up," Casey said and Ally agreed.

"I'll be here too, right by your side," Luke said smiling, it was the last smile I saw before leaving the room.

My sister, dad, and brother walked down to the operating room. They each hugged me and told me they loved me before I went in.

As the doctors set everything up, Doctor Chase came up by my side.

"You'll do great kid," he said fist bumping me making me smile. He knew how to make me feel comfortable and I appreciated that.

They gave me the anesthetic and made me count down to 10.

That was the last thing I remembered about my surgery.



I'm sorry this is so sad, I promise after the next two chapters or so it won't be so depressing lol

Photographs (Luke Hemmings)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang