
Jimin rushed in as the guards quickly closed the door. He rushed over to his sick father still laying unconscious. "Father." He muttered.
"My son.." the kings eyes opened as his hand reached out to grabbed the young one's, "your duty has come to lead the nation." He coughed harshly almost spilling his lungs as he laid in bed sick, tired, and afraid. "Soon you will be King taking my position as your mother and I sit from above to watch you, my proud son."

"Don't say that father. You will still rule this nation until you grow old." He grip his father's hand tightly, close to his chest as he watch his father grow weaker and weaker by seconds. "I won't make it my son. You are my first born, take care of your brother for me. Life had caught up to me taking back what I took from them; a life. I will now be able to be with your mother.A life ..... for ..... a ..... life." The king breathed out his last breath without inhaling another. "Appa..." he leaned down close to his father's chest as he weeped.

"Appa ... ?" Another voice cried from the middle of the room, getting louder as the living approached. "APPA !!" Jungkook kneeled beside the lifeless body shaking it as if the broken battery will suddenly run after you hit it. Jimin too busy crying didn't bother to sense another living in the room. Her hands didn't grip his but his brother's shoulder. Jimin lifted his head seeing her caring so much about him, jungkook.

My heart sank as I heard him whimper trying to hide it all in. It only made me want to be there for him as he was for me. I bent down to his level stroking his hair, when suddenly my hand was pulled away and I was pulled apart from him. "Jimin ?"

"Surprised aren't you ? Too into your in-law to notice your husband ?" He was here ? I questions myself before noticing Jungkook pushing Jimin away. "Leave her alone."

"Did she sleep with you last night. Or what ? Is that why you two are so close ?" His glance left jungkook and glared at me. "I didn't know you were so easy, also giving yourself to my brother" I only glared at him as dead skin cells rushed out of his mouth. "Come with me." He reached out to grab me but jungkook stood in the way. "Move aside. This is between a husband and wife matter."

"Saying that I slept with her, doesn't that also makes her my wife ?" Jimin's eyes darken and within an instant he punched the younger male aside. "She is MY wife." He gripped my hand tightly. "Ah ! Jimin ! Let go of me !"

"Why are you forcing her Hyung ? Let her choose for her self once won't you ?" Jungkook wiped the blood from his mouth as he stood up dusting his clothes. "Or are you afraid you will lose ?" Jungkook smirked looking at his Hyung as he hurriedly and angrily pulled me out of the room.

"Let go of me !" Jimin dragged me to a small room only filled with a bed. "You like him pleasuring you so much huh don't you ?" He pushed me on the bed pinning my arms down hovering over me. His face came super close to mine. "You .. disgust me." He whispered against my lips before leaving the room. "Jimin !" I ran to the door but he looked it from the outside. "Open it Now ! Jimin !!"

Jungkook stood still there looking at his father's unconscious body. "You promised me you would give me her.. why ? .. why did you LIE TO ME !"

"You lied to me !"

I've never imagined to be king. His eyes darkened as he stared out the window from his new wedded room he's suppose to share.

He stood tall staring out the window as she wrapped her arms around him snuggling him close as always. He suddenly held her hand that landed on his chest. "How can you be happy ?" He asked in monotone. "How can I not be ? I'm always happy with you." she replied. "And you expect me to be happy ?" Her grip on him loosen as he held onto hers tightly turning around to face her.

His eyes glared at her for the first time

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His eyes glared at her for the first time. It's been too long since he was silent. It's been too long to stay silent, to watch other people use and abuse someone he loves. "I know what you did to her. Or should I say have been doing."

"What are you talking about Jimin ah ?" She pretended to be confused exposing her puppy eyes and pouty lips. "How can you be angry when you're going to be crowned king ?" She smiled at him trying to change the subject. He rolled his eyes and tossed her hand away out of his grip. "Leave."

"Jimin Ah-"

"I said leave me !"


"That's not your wife, she was never yours from the start. You can't rewrite the stars to restart." Jin said as his eyes turned white rolling to the back of his eyes.

A little sneak peak of my unfinished writing lol.

Sorry if this chapter is short.

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