"You're mine," he hisses. "Nobody else will ever touch you like that again, nobody will violate you, nobody will hurt you. And none of this punishment shit. You have done nothing wrong, you deserve to be held and loved not punished. And the next time I see cuts in your skin," his eyes harden to stone. "You're going to put the same exact ones on me."

My eyes widen and I shake my head frantically, tears streaming, trying desperately to hide my injured wrist from tonight.

He probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't started panicking. Silas's eyes narrow and he grabs my wrist, turning it over and seeing the cut there. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before glancing over and seeing the bloody razor on the nightstand.

"No!" I scream. "I won't!"

Silas ignores me, straddling me and physically forcing me to stay where I am against the headboard although I struggle with all I have. He grabs the razor and wraps my fingers around it while I try to pull away, thrashing and crying.

"Chris. Look at me," his voice is gentle now and I meet his eyes with my puffy red ones, tears flowing. I know he won't let me off the hook.

"We know that this is going to happen either way. You're going to understand what it's like to look at the one you love like this. This is going to help you in the long run, darling. But you and I both know who it is you really don't want to hurt."

My eyes widen and my entire body starts trembling violently.

"No," I moan. "No Silas please, please I'm begging you don't, please, please don't. I c-c-can't, I can't do it p-please S-Silas, please don't make me PLEASE!" I cry, and he shakes his head.

"You have to understand, Chris." He murmurs, and my chest aches as I hyperventilate, unable to breathe at what I know is going to happen. I don't want to I can't I can't I CAN'T!

"Silas please," I beg one last time but he only shakes his head, throwing me into overdrive.

"Just remember. Every time you cut, this is going to happen, until you stop. Every time, it's going to be your hand cutting into his skin," says Silas and I scream, throwing my head away and writhing like a caged animal.

"NO! I WON'T!" I scream, but Silas only closes his eyes, and when he opens them I lock down completely.


He looks at me with big, sad blue eyes, and I shake my head stiffly, tears still flowing relentlessly.

"I won't do it," I whisper venomously. "I won't."

Jason looks at me through his lashes and smiles gently.

"Go ahead. Pick it up," he says so gently, letting go of one of my hands. I shake my head, letting that hand go limp at my side.


"Pick it up or I'll do it myself," he warns, his tone so gentle, trying to make this as easy for me as possible, but I can't. I won't.

Jason sighs and then smiles at me encouragingly.

"You have two options, darling. Either you do it, or I do it. And if I do it, I can guarantee that it will be much deeper and much more dangerous than if you do it."

I sob brokenly, unable to breathe, unable to think, knowing he has me in a corner.

"Please Jason," I breathe. "Don't do this."

"That sounds like exactly the sort of thing I've said to you when you cut," he retaliates quickly, and I hang my head, tears flowing.

"I'll never do it again. I swear I won't, not once, just don't make me do this," I beg him, but he's already shaking his head.

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