Prologue: Expensive Shirt Ruination?

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              Marinette runs to go meet her friends. She bumps into someone, then trips and lands splat right into a mud puddle  and they laugh at her.  

                "Oh, look it is clumsy girl!" Chloe scoffs.

                Marinette thinks, well so much for not making a bad impression on Adrien.  She looks away in shame.  She dares not look at anyone.  

             "Hey, you look what you did to my Jagged Stone shirt, the one he put his signature on himself, and you got stains all over it!  It is in ruins.  You hear  me!  It is expensive!"  Luka glares at her.

             "Yeah, Dupain clutz girl, you will pay for what you did to my boyfriend's shirt." Chloe retorts.

                Chloe takes her hand and punches her. She laughs as Marinette cries out in pain. She smirks and says,  "Piglet girl!  Piglet girl!"  

               "Hey, leave her alone!"  Adrien says angrily.

                  Chloe and Luka leave in a huff.  

        Adrien reaches out with his hand and pulls Marinette up.  He sees the muddy mess all over her face and clothes. He smiles, "Uh, how about I take you to Alya , so she can help you get all clean."

        Marinette tries to speak, but finds she cannot seem to form the words.  She just nods her head.  She is glad he did not tease her.  She groans and thinks, great the one time he speaks to me and I look like, "Pig Pen from Peanuts".   She is not to happy about how much of  her life appears to be in common with "Charlie Brown from the comic strip Peanuts Charles Schultz use to draw years ago."   Why does she always manage to fall at such inopportune times?

        Adrien walks with her to the girls locker room.  He dares not go inside though as he is a proper gentleman.  He smiles, and says,  "See ya later, Marinette!"

         Marinette blushes, and answers, "Y-Yeah, s-see you l-later, A-Adrien!"

            Alya takes a look at her and says,  "Girl, whatever took place must be something if Adrien Agreste has a say in it."

          Marinette whines, "Alya!  Stop, it is not like that anyway.  If anything all chances of  me with him are over before they can start!  I mean look at me, I am a complete and utter mess!  Besides that I got mud all over Luka's  shirt and he made a hug deal out of it.  Plus, Chloe gave me a hard punch.  To make matters worse my crush saw the entire thing."  

        Alya shrugs her shoulders.  "So you got off on a rough start.  So what!  You will impress him in no time, I am sure of it!"  Alya says.

      "Wait, me!  Are you talking about me the clutz as Chole and Luka refer to me as now?"  Marinette blurts out.

      "Girl, I am talking about you the amazing, talented girl you are and well if Adrien cannot see this than he is blind."  Alya remarks.

     "Thanks, Alya!"  Marinette says.

       to be continued in Chapter  1  There, Good as New!

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now