All about me!

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So no one asked questions so I'll just give you the basics.

Name: Camaeron. I know. Spelt weird. It is said like Cameron but spelt with an a. Yeah. I really like my name.

Gender: i am a boy. The reason why I haven't been really posting is because I've been trying to figure out my gender identity. I am a trans boy. I really have been thinking about it. And Denki in this story really helped me vent. Though, I haven't come out to my parents or anybody yet, I know how it feels to hate being in a girl body. I know I don't have it bad but I still hate it. But yeah.

Age: I'm a teenager. Not going to go too into depth with it because it is my private business and I don't want perverts hitting on me. So yeah.

Likes: I love drawing and playing the French Horn. My favorite foods are macaroni, salad, and ramen. But I have a stomach reaction to ramen, so I'm no longer allowed to eat it. :( I also enjoy listening to music, they are either sad or musicals so yeah. My favorite musical is Dear Evan Hansen. So, go check it out if you have no idea what that is. My favorite anime's are My Hero Academia, Yuri! On Ice, Black Butler, one called Kakegurvi, a really weird anime, and Tokyo Ghoul. I love reading. It's all I do. I also want to start collecting Funko Pops. I'm a weird person. But yeah.

Dislikes: I hate tomatoes. I don't like fake people. People who pretend to be someone they are not and someone who is rude. They make me angry. I don't really like boring movies or books. I don't like some foods. I am too lazy to list them off. But yeah.

Personality: i am shy, but once I get to know people, I am very ambitious. I am a generally excited person. I am very creative and smart. My best subject in school is science. I am responsible. When I get yelled at or anything like that, I get too scared to talk up to people. I don't enjoy talking to people. I go to dance. I'm not good at it. But yeah. I am pretty flexible. I mean, I don't have my splits but I'm close.

If there is anything else you want to know about me just ask and I'll answer them through the comments. I try my hardest to reply to all of your comments. You guys are just so sweet and it warms my heart to see you are enjoying yourself while reading the story. Thank you guys so much. (I'm such a sap)

But if you don't have anything nice to say about me after this, please don't hate. Keep your comments to yourself. It took a lot of courage for me to come out to you guys. I mean, I haven't even come out to my parents yet. I trust you guys are respectful with this kind of stuff. I'd imagine you guys aren't homophobic since you are ok with reading this story. But, if you don't like me, don't hate the story or me. Just don't read my stories. 'Kay? Well I hope you enjoy reading the rest of the story. I really think it was fun to share a bit about myself. I don't really think you can search me up and I come up. So you can't really look me up since I didn't give you my dead name. Or age. Yeah. I think I'm pretty safe. But please don't be a mineta. Ok? Thank you for dealing with this. I will post the new part later today. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of the story.

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