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Hey. Sorry if the chapters aren't as good as before. Just been a little sidetracked. Also, sorry about my updating schedule. I haven't been sleeping well and it is just hard to write when you feel exhausted. But I hope this is still good enough to continue reading. Sorry about my grammar, not the best at that. My spelling is also awful so if I missed anything during editing, I apologize. (>_<) Thanks for your patience with me.


If I get closer to him, it will be harder to leave.

I slept soundly in his arms.

When can I just disappear?

/Real part/
/Midoriya POV/

I awoke to the agonizing sound of an alarm. I lifted my head, hitting it in the process. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Todoroki!" I said. I hit my head on his jaw. He chuckled slightly, rubbing his chin. "Midoriya, it is ok." I mentally sighed. "U-um. Let's g-get ready!" I stuttered, realizing I was still in Todoroki's arms. I could feel the heat rise to my face as he hugged me. "Are you sure it is ok for you to go to school? You are.....you know....." He said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. I pushed him a little harsher then I wanted to. "Don't take pity on me!" I screamed. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I think I overreacted a little. He just wanted to help. I can't even be a good friend. I stared at the drawer on just in case things. I grabbed a new blade and sighed. I'm sorry Todoroki. A tear fell down my cheek.


I realized how many cuts I did and felt light headed. I was crying, but as quiet as possible so Todoroki couldn't hear me.

I washed the blade and put it away. I rinsed my cuts, it stung so bad. But I wrapped them, blood immediately seeping through. I tried wrapping it enough to where blood wasn't visible but not to thick to where people can see the wraps. It was good enough so I changed into my uniform and walked out. Of course he wouldn't be in here. Who would stay with a stupid, worthless, weak little boy like me? I was rude to him after he was trying to help. WORST! FRIEND! EVER! I let out a small sob as I curled up in a ball. Eventually, tears started rushing down my face. I took a deep breath and collected myself. I washed my face off so it didn't look like I was crying.

I walked out to the common area. Everyone just stared at me. Uraraka ran up to me and slammed a hug on me. I hugged back, giving a fake giggle. She smiled brightly at me. "I see you're feeling better Izu-chan!" She chirped. I smiled as best as I could. "Yeah. Just a little worn out. So, how is Bakugo?" I asked. She looked at me, confused. "Why would you want to know about him? He did cause you to be in pain." She questioned. "I-I am sorry. Oh well. Let's go, shall we?" I asked. She nodded. We both walked to school.

She talked about all the things I missed yesterday as I kept mental notes. I didn't want to be left behind.

We walked in the classroom. I immediately saw Kacchan's stare. I shivered as I slowly walked to the seat behind him. The carvings were still there, but they looked like someone tried covering it with sharpie. I sighed as my finger traced over each letter of every word. Bakugo eventually turned around, slamming his hands on my desk. "Fucking deku! Can you stop scratching at your desk and shut up? It is annoying hearing you sigh and mumble all the time!" He yelled. I flinched and nodded my head. Putting my hands in my lap, fiddling with my fingers. My eyes kept looking at the words on the desk. I decided to take my phone out and take a picture of it. Now I will always remember it. I heard someone walk up from behind so I quickly took out a notebook and covered the carvings. "Sorry, Midoriya, about this morning." I heard a monotone voice say. "You don't need to apologize, Todoroki. I overreacted. I am sorry." I said. Scratching the back of my neck, a small, fake smile on my face. He sighed then walked away. He probably hates me now. I am the worst person alive. I am sorry for everything. I heard a shuffle come from the front of the class. I lifted my head and put my notebook away, realizing it was Aizawa rolling in with his sleeping bag. He unzipped himself, revealing his casual attire. But something seemed different.

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