I paused, she was right. He was the same man I grew to like.

"I don't want to love a demon, Gen. It's scary." I whispered.

"Do you love him?" She asked suddenly.

I nodded. Of course I did. I couldn't deny that.

I was willing to pack up and leave my home for him.

Of course I loved him.

It made no sense but I did. I told my self I didn't but I did.

How do you love someone in only a few days?

"Then you love the demon, end of story. Talk to him. At least hear what he has to say. No ond said you had to make a decision right on the spot. Even he said think about it." She said, looking at me.

I looked at her.

I mean, sure, I didn't have to make a decision now but still, was I ready to face him after I ran away from like that?

I had confirmed all his fears.

I felt awful for that.

"Yes. You're right. I know you are. I'll talk to him as soon as I can muster up the courage." I told her.

She smiled. "I know you're scared. It's ok. I am too. My best friend is mated to a demon. It's crazy. But that demon had you like putty in his hands before this. You would have done anything for him. That man is still there, he's just.....accompanied by a demon. Just, follow your heart."

I hugged her. This is why she's my best friend.

"I love you." I murmured in her neck.

She laughed, "I love you too short stuff."

I grinned.

"Well, I think its time I go."

I looked at her sadly. I wished she could stay. But she had things to do and my arrival was short notice.

I nodded.

"I'll call you later." She said giving me a quick hug. "Think about it."


She left and I was alone with my thoughts.

I went to my room to think things over.

It's actually been a whole week since I saw Azrael.

A whole week since I heard his voice, seen his otherworldly face, since I've been in his calming presence.

Besides everything, I missed him. There was no doubt about that.

But the fact still remained, he was a demon. His father was the devil. And I was the mate of this demon.

This, in it self was very scary. It was hard to take in...to accept.

I couldn't really believe he was a demon. Before this, I didn't even think they exist.

When he told me this, all I could think of was how terrifying this was.

I ran because I was scared. But who wouldn't be.

But his screams.

God, his screams tore right through me.

I could hear it long after I had left his estate. It rang in my ears like church bells.

I hear it every night in my dreams. I see his face twisted in pain and anguish. It pains me each time I'm jerked awake and realize it's a dream.

Love in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now