Chapter 2

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I've hurt but I'm ok.
I've been lied to but I'll trust again
I've been heartbroken but I can still love- Tiana


I moved around the house sluggishly. I wasn't in the mood to move with vitality and that shit. I wasn't in the mood for anything.

I just wanted to get food because I would die if I stayed in my bed any longer.

It's been two weeks.

I haven't even seen the light of day for two weeks. I was seriously not ready for all those pity stares I knew I was going to get.

But I had to get out sooner or later. I preferred later though. No one tells you that having your heart broken makes your body malfunction and refuse to do anything than cry and sleep

I shuffled through the almost empty fridge. I needed some food.

I closed it and went to the freezer. Nothing.

I groaned in frustration. I don't need this right now. Nothing in my life was going right and all I do is cry about it.

I went to my house phone and quickly dialed Pizza Hut. I still haven't went to work to get back my phone. I wondered if I still even had a job.

I dropped my self on my couch in the living room in front of the tv and the door. I flip through Netflix, stopping at  American Horror Story. This is all I did now. Watch tv and cocoon my self in self pity because.....why not.

I loved horror movies. Its the only thing that can get my mind off that stupid idiot that crushed my feelings along with my heart.

A tear slid down my cheek before I even noticed it. I quickly wiped it away and went back to the series.

I've watched it a million times but it always seem to get better.

Fifteen minutes later, the door bell rang. I took my time getting up and walking to the door.

A young, handsome man between the age of 23 and 25 was standing at my door. I looked down at the boxes in his hand and accessed that he was the delivery guy.

I couldn't help but squirm as his eyes sweep over body. I was only in an over sized black t shirt and it didn't cover much.

"Are you Lyla?" He asked softly. He had a nice voice.

I gave him a weak smile and nodded. "Well, I have your food. Where do you want me to put it?" He asked, referring to the boxes and bag of sodas.

I pointed to my kitchen. He nodded and squeezed pass me. I quickly took the bag from him and helped him in the kitchen.

He placed down the goods. "Thanks. Most of my costumers would just watch me struggle." He remarked, giving me that smile.

I then realized I haven't said a word since he arrived.

"Its not a problem."

He looked at me expectantly and searched my brain for what he would want.

Shit! I forgot to pay him.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me today. Give me  minute."

I ran up stairs to my room and took out some money.

I paid him and he got ready to leave.

"Are you here alone?" He asked suddenly.

I was taken aback by the question. Why did he want to know that?

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