Chapter 9

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We have about a million meetings in our life time but only one really matter. The one that leads to you finding the love of your life. - Somebody.


As soon as the lights went out, I held on to Wes. I didn't want us to lose each other as the crowd got rowdy.

Phone flash lights started to turn on and it created a glow over the room. So we could see a little.

"I got you." Wes told me sweetly.

I smiled at him and nodded.

Wes called out to Gen and she answered back from across the room.

Suddenly, I was snatched from Wes. Before I could even scream, I was being dragged through the crowd and far away from Wes.

I heard Wes call my name and I called his. Hopefully he would be able to find me.

I started to resist my kidnapper but he suddenly flipped me and I was on his shoulder. I pulled at his black ski mask, trying to distract him.

I kicked and punched and cursed. But nothing affected this guy.

At this point, my heart is pounding out my chest, blood is rushing to my head and adrenaline is coursing through me.

I was terrified.

What was happening?

Am I really getting kidnapped?

Who was this?

Why is this man taking me away?

Does no one notice?!

I was screaming like crazy but no one seem to care. Everyone was too busy trying to leave.

My head would occasionally hit someone's shoulder while we raced through the crowd, this made my headache worst.

I was panicking. This man wasn't stopping and the crowd wasn't helping.

No matter what kind of a fight I put up, I couldn't get loose. "Let me go!" I screamed.

The man just laughed.

I stopped struggling to catch my breath and think of an actual way out of this.


I looked up and saw Wes racing towards me.

For a minute I was hopeful. He was going to save me.

"Wesss!" I screamed helplessly.

He reached for my arm and I stretched towards him. We were close.

Just one more inch.

I heard the glass shattering before I felt the pain.

The sound was deafening. It took a minute to register that we had jumped through the big floor to roof glass window.

The cool air night stung my skin.

I looked down and saw I was bleeding.

My arms, face and possibly my back tingled with pain.

I screamed as I realized I was going to die there. As I realized that I was falling to my death.


The air was knocked out of me as we hit the ground. Hard. But this didn't stop the man.

He got up soon after and ran off into the woods.

No! I can't die like this. Not without a fight.

I used all the strength I had and ease my self upright.

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