Chapter 18

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Conversations and confessions were never really my strong suit. ~ Azrael


As soon as I reached in my room, Lyla pulled her hands out of mine and walk to the bed.

She sits down, take a quick look at the place then focuses on me.

Her usually soft blue eyes seem a bit cold and hard.

I didn't like that.

"So?" She asked.

"Where do I start?" I ask.

She looks down at her hands, "I want to know, why am I here? Why do you WANT me here?"

I look at her for a moment. I knew the answer. I knew the answer from the first time I saw her.

But how do I put such strong emotions into words?

I was never one for words.

How would she react to what I was?

I sighed, "Lyla what I'm about to tell you is going to be unbelievable. I mean, straight out a fiction fantasy. "

She sat up, her wide blue eyes staring in mine. "What do you mean?" she whispered.

"If I tell you, promise me you won't leave." I said suddenly. I just needed reassurance.

I couldn't have her leaving me.

She was mine.

She looked confused.

"Promise me that you'll stay or at least think before you do anything."

She looked even more confused, "What are you talking about, Azrael?" She asked.

I looked away, "Just promise me, please Lyla." I request once more.

She sighs, "Fine. I promise, I'll think before I do anything. Now please tell me."

I took a deep breath.

"I'm a demon."

At first, Lyla just sat here, staring at me in confusion.

Her brows were furrowed and she looked to be in deep concentration.

Then her eyes grew wide as she finally registered what I said.

She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. So she just gaped at me.

She shot up from the bed so quick I hardly had time to grab her hand.

"Look, just hear me out before you get hysterical. You promised to think before you reacted." I quickly say.

She sat back down but looked away. I took this as a cue to continue.

"I am the son of Lucifer. I was sent to earth to complete certain tasks. Those aren't important right now."

"I wish I could tell you everything but I can't. You shouldn't even be hearing this but what I have to tell you, well, it requires this information." I rubbed her hand softly.

I didn't want to tell her this. I just knew she wouldn't accept me.

Christ, why can't you just say it already?!

It's not so easy! This is delicate.

I slowly looked at Lyla, she was looking at me, her beautiful water blue eyes were looking at me with uncertainty and fear.

It broke me to see that. It broke me to realise that after I'm done talking, those feelings will only intensify.

I sighed and turned to the window. The view was beautiful. It was a side of the rose garden I had placed in the back yard just for her.

At my angle you could only see half of the garden, but in Lyla's room, it was all there. And it was breathtaking, just like her.

I have so many plans for her. For us.

All those plans, wishes, future dreams I had imagine for us, are at risk because of a fate no one could really alter.

"Azrael...." Her soft voice called me from my thoughts.

I turned to her.

I took this time to take in all her angelic features since this could very well be the last time I would see her.

The long messy brown hair, the sea blue eyes with all it's innocence, her short small frame, her brown skin, her.

I met her eyes again, she looked so close to tears.

I wanted to wrap her in my arms and tell her everything was fine. There was nothing to worry about.

But I couldn't. I wasn't so sure about that.

I held her face loving and watched her, as she looked at me. She didn't move away. That made my heart skip a few beats.

"Tell me.....please. I'm getting worried." She whispered.

I was surprised at how she still wanted to know. That the fact that I was an actual demon didn't deter her from the whole truth.

I exhaled.

"I've completed my tasks but Father has insisted on me finding a mate and I believe I have." I told her slowly.

She tensed, I could feel as her body got rigid.

Was she bracing her self what I will say next?

"And?" She croaked.

I closed my eyes, her beautiful voice ringing in my mind. I was trying to burn the image of her in my mind forever.

"You're my mate." I whispered.

Roses shot up, jerking away from my hands. She had a look of pure horror on her face.

"No!" She screamed.

She pushed me aside and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

This all happened without me fully realising it.

When I did, I raced out the room and tried to find her. I sensed her presence. She was outside.

How did she reach outside so quick?

I was just in time to see the car pulling out the drive way. It raced down the drive way, through the gates and out of my life.

I was about to run after her but a firm grip stopped me.

I swiftly turn around to see which fucking dead man dared to stop me.

Moloch's face greeted me. I glared at him dangerously. He stepped back but his grip never wavered.

He shook his head, "She needs time to think. Away from you." He said sadly.

I knew he was right.

I mean, how did I expected her to react?

I ripped my hand out of his and stared at the retreating retreating mate.

Pain ripped through me as I fell to my knees and let out a deafening scream which echoed throughout the vast land.

I held my chest in pain, my demon was silent and my whole world had just fell apart.

She broke me.

She broke her promise.

Chubbyalejandra 💖

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