Chapter 6

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Kai knew he probably shouldn't have taken Liv

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Kai knew he probably shouldn't have taken Liv. He was just so angry and didn't know where Audrey was. Was it a stupid move? Yes. Will Audrey catch on? Yeah probably. But honestly he didn't really care. If his retched deed brought his love out in the open for him to see, he'd do it again.

Kai had taken over Lockwood mansion after finding out his relationship to his sister, Liv and his relationship to Mystic Falls gang. What a wonderful coincidence.

"Kai you won't get away with this." Liv spits at him  as she struggles with the ropes around her body, tying her to the mahogany wood chair.

"Liv could you honestly be any more cliche? Like seriously? "You won't get away with this yada yada yada" Please be a little more original." Kai walks around the mansion in open disgust. Lockwood really had it all didn't he? No abusive childhood and parents hating him.

"This isn't a game Kai. Luke and Tyler will be here any minute ready to kick your ass. You'll never be able to merge with Jo." Liv smirks.

"Is that what you think this is? About merging with Jo? I couldn't care less about merging with Jo. I have all the power I need. What I want is you to tell me where the hell Audrey is?" Kai laughs at Liv snidely.

"Audrey? Kai, Audrey has been gone for 9 years. After what you did she couldn't stand being around this family. She wanted no connection to you. She disappeared because she hates you. You ruined this family just like you ruined her" Liv knows she has to do whatever she can to distract him from finding Audrey. Even though she barely remembers her sister, she knows if Kai gets anywhere near her it's the end.

"SHUT UP! You don't know anything. If your not gonna tell me where she is then I'll just have to make you tell me." Kai grabs Liv's arms and forcefully siphons her magic making sure it hurts.

"I don't need you, I can kill you right here, right now. Only a body for your precious wolf to walk in on. I will find Audrey myself and when I do I will make sure she sees you're dead body and knows that it is her fault for running away. Your death is on her." Liv is becoming more and more weaker. Kai's eyes are full with bloodlust and murder.

The front door slams open forcing Kai to step back from Olivia.

"Get the hell away from her Malachai!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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