She has a bad day

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It all started with her being late to the studio because of heavy traffic which only led to everyone giving her the third degree. Then she spilled her cup of tea all over her new shirt and to make matters worse, she couldn't hit all her notes in the songs they were recording. All of this led to Perrie feeling completely upset and eventually slamming the front door of your house so hard it shook the picture frames on the walls.

You jumped when you heard it and dropped the dish that you were scrubbing in the soapy water just in time to peek around the corner to hear her grumbling under her breath and stomp upstairs. You walked upstairs and caught the door frame in your hands right before Perrie could slam it shut behind her. She turned around when she didn't hear it close and saw you, the anger and tension dissipating once she saw you. "Y/n" she whined and wrapped her arms around you, gently swaying your bodies from side to side. "Everything okay? You seem upset." She released a heavy breath and shook her head, knowing that she never had to hide anything from you. "Not really. I had a really bad day." You rubbed your nails across her back lightly and she instantly relaxed in your embrace. You grabbed her hand and walked her to the bed, both of you laying down on it before moving as close to each other as possible.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She moved her head to your shoulder and it took her a few minutes before she felt ready to talk about it. "It was just horrible. First I was late because traffic was so heavy this morning. Of course everyone grilled me about why I was so late which frustrated me more. Then I spilled my tea all of my new shirt so now I have to get a new one. Then I couldn't hit the notes in the songs and-" She paused and took a deep breath, opening her eyes and lifting her chin up to look into your eyes. "You know what? It doesn't really matter. I'm home now, with you, and that's enough to make me feel better." You giggled when she ran her hand up and down your side, a spot where you're most ticklish. "Are you hungry? I can make you some food?" She shook her head and yawned. "Okay then, tell you what. Why don't you go take a hot shower and relax a bit and I'll go downstairs and turn on your favorite movie? That sound okay?" She smiled at you and nodded her head. She kissed your cheek before getting up and walking inside the bathroom as you started to walk out of the room to go downstairs. "hey y/n?" You turned around and smiled at her when you heard your name. "I love you." She said and you smiled and blushed. "Love you too, beautiful." You grinned from ear to ear before going downstairs as Perrie stepped in the shower, her heart fluttering over how much she loved you and how you always made every bad day better.

Perrie Edwards Imagines (gxg) - completed Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin