13) "I can't stay still"

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Amara POV

I felt an arm around my waist and I opened my eyes. I saw Gal sleeping in front of me. I looked around and saw we were sleeping on her couch in her office

I panicked and push Gal off the couch and she landed on the floor harshly

"Ow! What the hell?!" She said rubbing her head and looking at me "S-Sorry, Wait....did Selena carried me here?" I said

"No, you idiot. I did!" She said standing up "Why?" I said "because you were sleeping on Selena's shoulder! I had to do something." She said

Was she jealous?

"Ok, but why did you kiss me?You were my first kiss!" I said and she froze "Really I'm your first kiss?" She said and I nodded "why did you kiss me though" I said because you wouldn't shut your mouth" she said harshly

I checked the time and it was 6:00am. SHOOT! I have school in an hour!

Crap I remember my car isn't fast enough.

I'm going to regret this

"Gal" I said "What" She said harshly "Can you take me to my house and then my school please?" I said giving her the puppy eyes "No" she said coldly "You want me to walk to then?" I said raising an eyebrow "Follow me" she said and I smiled

We went to her car and she drove really fast.

We arrived to my house and I got my backpack and got some new clothes.

I immediately ran into her car and she took off to my school.

When we arrived everyone was looking at me. I grabbed my backpack and hid my face. I went out of her car and turned around to see her already looking at me weirdly.

I groan and ran into school with my backpack in my face

"Alright students! Hand me your project about your interview" my teacher said and I hand it to him

"So....you did Ms Gadot? Can you hook me up with her?" A random guy said and I left the room

As I was walking, I got a text messages. I checked my phone and saw it was from Gal

I'm picking you up from school so don't even try to walk.

I smiled looking at the text

School was over and I had to turn in my book from the library. As I was walking, I felt someone following me.

There was him again. I walk faster until I reached outside and saw Gal leaning on her car with her arms cross.

Everyone was surrounding her like always. I grabbed my backpack and hid my face and went into her car.

She went into her car and drove off quickly. "You're late" She said "Sorry, I was returning my book at the library" I said

"Gal?" I said and she hummed "Remember the time I was being followed by a man and he almost tried to kill me?" I said "Yes" she said harshly "Well....I think he's back for me" I said and she stopped the car

"WHAT!" She yelled "I think he's following me again" I whispered and she groan

We arrived at the building and we went to her office. I immediately sat down on my desk and took a glance at Gal. She was typing really fast on her computer and she looks frustrated

"Gal? What are you doing?" I said "Trying to track your stalker and kill him" she said harshly "O-Ok" I said

It was getting late so I have to leave. I stood up and packed my stuff. Gal also stood up and looked at me

"D-Do you need a ride?" She said "No, but thanks" I said and she nodded hesitatingly

I went to my car and drove home

I cleaned myself up and went to bed. It was a Friday night so I could watch movies all night.

All of the sudden, my doorbell ranged.

I check my clock and it was 1:00am.

The doorbell ranged again a few more times.

I opened the door and my eyes widened

"G-Gal what are you doing here?" I said looking at Gal.

"I-I don't know actually" she whispered "What happened?" I said "I-I was worried about you." She whispered and I was surprised

"For what? Why? I'm perfectly fine" I said "there's a creepy stalker trying to get you!" She said

"I can't stay still!" She yelled "I couldn't sleep without thinking you're in trouble or something bad happens! I just need to check on you if you're alright" She said

I went up to her and hugged her.

"I'm perfectly fine, my doors are locked and my windows has locks on them as well. I'm fine and go to sleep" I whispered and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Promise me you'll be okay, my cookie" she said and I giggled "I promise" I said then let go of her. "Goodnight, Gal" I said

"Goodnight, my cookie" she said and I closed the door


I arrived home after I went to Amara's house.

I sat on my bed and rubbed my hand to my face and groan

What are you doing to me Amara?

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