This circumstance, something that was pretending to be a conversation, confirmed his realisation: they would have to talk if Jack and Amelia start a relationship, and talk would not be easy.

Ella still hadn't bothered to look at him. She had no intention of talking to this man, especially after he used her for target practice earlier tonight.

Through his teeth, David repeated and barely held onto his temper, "Just tell me where Amelia's bag is?"

"No." Came the calm response, albeit with a smile. She portrayed tranquillity and serenity. She was pleased to see that David was frustrated by her equanimity. Good. About time, she thought.

"She's asked me to collect it for her." He stated bluntly, with a slight modification as to who'd asked him to collect the bag and without bothering to explain. And David worked hard to stop grinding his teeth. This woman was aggravating. After all this time he should have worked out how to deal with an antisocial diva, or his unwelcome and annoying feelings for her. But, he'd had most of tonight to think about this type of situation, given his brother seem determined to pursue Amelia and despite that, his approach did not work in this situation.

"I doubt that." Came the calm response but her eyes flashed with ire. She polished an invisible speck off her arm and looked away.

She was a beautiful woman, but when she got cross, she went from beautiful to downright gorgeous, thought David. Even so, for a second he really contemplated throttling her.

Her eyes returned to focus on the dancing groups. David considered, he could kneel, get to his knees to scour the floor for that bloody bag! But he thought he had already sacrificed his reputation tonight by taking pots shots at her earlier. See him on his knees at her feet, would give their audience the wrong impression.

David poked his tongue into his cheek before he growled, "Jack asked me to get her bag for her." Amelia was just outside in the car park with his brother.

Gabriella simply raised a brow and said nothing else. David gritted his teeth. She had this routine down pat. Obviously she was a good learner, given they had only spent a few days in their company over the last two years. She was now driving him mad, all because he was asked to collect Amelia's bag and she has the opportunity to force him to beg!

"Just give me the bloody bag so that I can give it to Amelia." He finally demanded, his patience at a complete end. Two years of tactics had gone up in smoke tonight. In fact, he knew he would have to change his tactics when Amelia signed up to the trip, but tonight he realised he wouldn't have to change his tactics, he needed a complete overhaul of his strategy. The trip threw Ella into his path because of Amelia, but now, Amelia and Jack's relationship didn't just threw Ella into his path, it actually lodged her into his head and heart.

"No." She was happy with her response to David.

Deciding that he was going to have to tell her the truth he folded his arms, his back ramrod straight. "Ok, fine. You bring the bag and we'll take it to her."

This is what he was worried about when he realised tonight, that if Jack went out with Amelia, he would have to meet Ella often. But David wasn't expecting it to happen so soon.

"She's going home with Jack."

And for the first time that evening he saw some emotion in her eyes. "Why?" She got to her feet instantly, reached for her jacket, shrugged it on quickly and demanded, "Is she ok?" She moved a couple of chairs. "Why the hell didn't you say something?"

She leaned over and picked up two bags, one that David recognised from the description Amelia had given Jack to give him on the phone. Why hadn't he been able to see that before having to get involved in a conversation with this harridan?

"Because she's fine."

"If she was fine, she wouldn't need you to collect her bag!" She threw him a pouty look, and it reminded David that she would be one of those classic, timeless beauties.

"She is fine." David told her and at her upraised brows added somewhat reluctantly, "She wants her bag."

Her eyes wide she looked at him and asked with more firmness in her voice, "That doesn't explain why you are picking up her bag?"

His eyes flashing to meet hers as he replied in a no nonsense voice, "She wants her bag because she's leaving." David threw Ella an aggrieved look.

"If she..."

David interrupted with exasperation, "With Jack. I already told you that!"

Gabriella hesitated. Wondered if he was up to something, and then decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, but not give him the bag. "Fine. Take me to her." She ordered.

"As you asked so nicely." He muttered and then gestured for her to head for the door, and followed behind her.

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