



"Hey guys" I ran up to Scott, Kira and Stiles They all nodded and Kira linked arms with me.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked

"There was an family axe murder last night" Stiles said

"I knew about that" Scott stated

"How?" I asked

"My mum called me she didn't want me to find out on the news" Scott shrugged

"Well what are we waiting for let's go" Stiles turned around

"Wait we have econ" Scott stopped Stiles

"And Lydia's mum is kinda upset with me for walking out on her class yesterday so I don't think I should got" I said

"But an Axe wielding family murder" Stiles whined

"Stiles maybe we should leave this to the adults" Kira said

"So you guys want to go to class" we all nodded.

Stiles walked of muttering "I've never heard anything more irresponsible"

Scott yelled to Stiles "See you at tryouts" and he just waved it off

"Um you know that thing you wanted to talk about, do you think that it could wait till after tryout, it shouldn't take that long" Scott asked Kira, she agreed

"Thanks see you" Scott said just before leaning over and kissing Kira and running off.

"Uh did he just?" I asked slightly shocked. Kira just nodded, she was just as shocked

"Well good luck sis your gonna need it"I said as I patted her head and walked to class.

When I got there I went and sat with Dylan who had a stupid grin on his face "What?" I asked after he sat there looking at me grinning for 5 minutes

"I heard you meet Liam" he stated

"Yeah what about it?" I asked turning to face him

"I also heard you two were flirting" he said grinning again

"Let me guess Garrett told you" I said

"So its true I knew you to would hit it off" and then he start rumbling so I blocked him out until he smacked me in the back of the head

"Hey what was that for?" I asked rubbing my head

"You know how much I hate being ignored" he pouted which made me laugh

"So as I was saying are you going to tryouts today" he asked

"Yes and no its not because of Liam its because my sister has to wait for Scott" I answered

"You know you are like the only freshmen that hangs out with sophomores and I am so jealous of you" he said

"Why" I asked rather confused

"Because do you know how hot your sister is" he stated

"Eww that is just gross she's my sister, you so can't crush on my sister, its off limits or something eww" I shuddered, he laughed. After that traumatizing moment class started.





"You know you didn't have to come" Kira told me as we went and sat down on the benches

"Um yes I did I have to wait for you and dad any way, you my ride home" we took a sit next to Malia who was studying

The White Wolf : Liam Dunbar / Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now