Chapter 3

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Allie's POV

"You probably don't remember me now. They took away your memory." The familiar voice of the boy says.

I'm laying on a metal table. It's freezing. I suddenly realize I'm not wearing any clothes. There is a small, thin blanket covering me though. Thank god.

I try to pry my eyes open but, I can't. I can't move. I can't do anything. It's like I'm lifeless but I am able to hear the boy.

The boy speaks again. "My name is Thomas. It's my fault that you are here. I'm sorry." He says as he grips my hand. My hand is cold and his is nice and warm.

"They were gonna put you in the maze as the fifth glader." He starts.

He sounds very emotional. I feel a wet drop on my hand. I come to the realization that maybe he is crying. Why is he crying for me?

"You and I were close. We were best friends. We would talk and I would comfort you. I would tell you it's okay. I care about you a lot." He sobs as he squeezes my hand tighter.

"I begged them not to make you go in the maze. But my stupid mouth made you go first. They kidnapped my sister, Allie! They threatened to put her in, if I kept you out! I'm so sorry but I couldn't put her in. They made me choose, and I can't do that to her!" He sobs louder than ever.

I want to comfort him. I want to say I understand, but I don't. I don't get any of this. But I guess I'm meant not to.

He sniffles slightly, and then I hear a chair bang against a wall. Did he throw a chair? Why does he care so much?

"Dammit!" I hear him yell as he sobs again.

I hear him stand up. "You are going in the glade tomorrow." He says with a shaky breath. "I can never make this up to you, but you should know I'm so sorry. I want to save you, but I can't. They will hurt my sister. I can't risk that. She's the only family I have left."

He walks over and kisses my forehead.

"Good luck greenie." He says as a small tear escapes his eye and lands on my cheek. "I will always root for you."

I wake up with tears dried against my face.

My dreams seem to be the only memories I have.

So, my name is Allie. The boy's name is Thomas. Thomas is part of the reason I am here. That is all I gathered.

I sigh and get up, ready for an exhausting day.

First, I make breakfast. I have eggs. A chicken came up in the box with me, so it gives me eggs. It's the only helpful thing I've found in here so far.

After breakfast, I continue working on my half-built fort.

At about lunch time, I finish the fort. I wipe my hands. It's not much, but it's something. It's basically a tent made out of branches.

I spend lunch eating a sandwich that I made myself, and picking the splinters out of my hands from building the fort.

After lunch, I decide to start building weapons.

There is no way I'm going back in that maze anytime soon. Too risky.

I grab a long stick, and cut it in half. Then, I sharpen the top until I make an acceptable spear.

I continue making weapons of this sort until dinner time.

I simply make another sandwich for dinner. It's boring, I know, but it's not like I had a buffet of options.

I spend the entire evening throwing the spears. They are pretty easy to throw, and they are somewhat effective.

I lay down in my hammock. I moved it into the fort incase of rain.

I sigh. I may have had a very productive day, but I still feel like crying whenever I hear the maze groaning, or the Greivers roaring. Even breathing the air of this place causes me sadness.

I just want to go home. Wherever home is.

I close my eyes in hope of dreaming of something peaceful. Instead of falling asleep peacefully, I cry myself to sleep.

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