Melt Away Breath {Greenland x Antarctica}

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This fanfic was supposed to be an animatic, but once again I wanted to make it as a story instead. (That's a poor excuse to be lazy...).

The characters and the scenario were inspired by "Uselessartist22" on Instagram. I reckon you to check out their art.

I hope that you enjoy!


Today was Greenland's weekly visit to the hospital to see his only friend, Antarctica. He went over to the reception counter with a bouquet of flowers that Antarctica liked. "Good evening, sir. Your usual visits, I see." The receptionist greeted Greenland with a calm and quite playful tone. Greenland looked at the receptionist with an unamused face, like he did with everyone else. "Ah... He's in room 205, sir." The receptionist said in nervousness. Greenland nodded politely. "Thank you..." And he proceeded to go to the room.

Greenland knocked on the door three times before he entered the room. The room was mostly empty, not that much furniture. But machines surrounded the bed, where Antarctica was lying. He closed the door and walked towards the bed. As he approached Antarctica, he observed Antarctica's body was getting worse. There were cracks all over Antarctica's body and some new small cracks forming on Antarctica's face. Not only that but Antarctica was slowly melting.

Greenland felt a pang inside his heart, seeing his friend slowly slipping away from this world, made him want to let out his tears. As he was near the bed, he saw a bedside table beside it. On top of that, there was an empty vase that shaped like a bowl. He inserted the flowers into it filled them with water. He then dragged a chair and positioned it near the bed, where he could keep an eye on his friend. He sat down and stared at his friend. Antarctica had his eyes closed and was breathing slowly. He grabbed Antarctica' hand spontaneously,  fearing that he would lose his friend.

He felt like he wanted to be with Antarctica's side. He would imagine them doing the same routine, as usual, like playing with the penguins, went on skiing together, or just sat on the edge of the ice to just talked and watched the day past by. But with a hint of love in it, more than a friendly love. He would imagine that they would hold hands and feel more comfortable around each other. He would feel jittery whenever he was around Antarctica. The feeling of Antartica's hand in his felt bittersweet for him.

Greenland's thoughts were cut off by the sound of someone coughing. He glanced to his left and saw that Antarctica was awake but in pain. His eyes widened as he dreaded. He held on to Antarctica's hand tighter and rubbed Antarctica's shoulder in a soothing way. That action made Antarctica feel calm and the pain felt dull again. Antarctica looked at his distressed friend and gave Greenland a reassurance smile like he always did.

Both males gaze upon each other's eyes and let tranquility took over their bodies. Greenland felt his heart skip a beat and his cheeks were getting warmer. Everything felt right for him. The way their eyes stare into each other and their hands intertwined. He felt like they were in their own world. He wished that they could stay like this. He wished that Antarctica never did feel sick. He wished that Antarctica wasn't dying.

The thought of Antarctica dying terrified him. Glancing at Antarctica's current state, he couldn't hold on his tears any longer. Antarctica noticed Greenland's sudden tremble, so he freed his hand from Greenland's grip and planted his hand on his friend's cheek. He caressed Greenland's cheek slowly with his thumb. Greenland placed his hand on top of Antarctica's hand and gripped it as if his life depended on it. And he finally released his hot tears.

He looked at Antarctica, tears were still pouring down, and his lips were trembling unable to say a single word. He wanted to say to Antarctica how he felt about Antarctica, but he couldn't. So he guided Antarctica's hand and put it on his chest involuntary. He felt his heart was pounding through his ribcage. His cheeks were boiling hot as he felt embarrassed with his action. Antarctica was astonished by Greenland's action and was flustered by it. Greenland finally had the courage and stared at Antarctica in awe.

"Antarctica, I... I love you... more... than just friends..."

Greenland clenched Antarctica's hand even tighter. He could feel his heart was about to burst out of his chest. Antarctica was surprised by what Greenland had said. He was unsure whether he should return Greenland's feelings or not. He wasn't lying when he felt the same way as Greenland did. But he feared that he accepted Greenland's confession just because Greenland was his friend. And not because he truly meant it. So he glanced away from Greenland and had a frown on his face.

Greenland observed his friend's body movement as a sign of hesitation. He set Antarctica's hand on the bed and caressed its knuckle with his thumb. "It's okay... you don't have to answer it now..." He would be patient for Antarctica's answer. Even if Antarctica rejected his feelings, they would still be friends, although it would sting his heart for quite a while. "Just... promise me that you won't die..." He knew Antarctica's condition was inevitable, but he still had hope for his friend.

Antarctica nodded at Greenland's sentence. And what happened next was something that made him breathless. Greenland kissed Antarctica's forehead with his soft lips, filled with tenderness in it. He felt like the world had stopped for a moment. His heart thumped faster than normal and his face was a blushing mess. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds before Greenland departed his forehead. "Okay... Well, I better get going. I'll see you next week." Greenland gazed at him once more lovingly. That didn't help his beating heart to calm down. Greenland stood up and walked towards the door. Greenland waved at him while giving him a smile. And the door finally closed. Antartica covered his blushed face as his mind was replaying the whole scene again.

He noticed there was a vase filled with Colobanthus quitensis flowers, his favorite. He examined the flowers while feeling the soft texture of it at his fingertips. The thought of Greenland came into mind how thoughtful of him to bring these flowers for him. His face was in tinted red and smiled warmly.

I guess next week will be interesting...


Words count : 1026

Thank you for reading!

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