Broken Friendship {Indonesia & Netherlands}

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[EDIT]: I've realized that the title didn't synchronize with the plot itself, so I decided to change that. As for the title, it was meant for a draft story, but it was also faced the same problem as this one. Me and my bad title naming XD

Hopefully, this won't happen again.

Also, I've changed a few mistakes and added some lines, hopefully, it doesn't confuse you at all.


This was supposed to be a comic idea, but I decided to make a full oneshot because I want to write longer story lol (Why do I overcomplicate myself)

A quick side notes: There are two Indonesians in this story. One is Indo (Male) and the other is Nesia (Female). They're both twins, okay.

And also there's a scene about sexual harassment. In which I don't condone with this action.

I hope that you enjoy.


In a cold December night, there was a bar. It was mostly visited by people who were stressed out or having a time of their lives. One which was the Dutch or most people called him, Netherlands. He was having a conversation with his close pals Belgium and Germany. He was having his third glass of beer and his speech was beginning to slur. Which no surprised that he was drunk.

Belgium had passed out a few hours ago. He only drank 2 glasses of beer but with more stronger alcohol in it. And then Germany, being the soberest than those two countries, only drank one big glass of beer. Even though he was a bit tipsy, he still managed to remain conscious. He was looking at his watch. It was almost midnight, so he shook Belgium to wake up. Belgium woke up and suddenly winced in pain due to a massive headache he felt. It didn't take long for the Belgian started to stand on his feet. The Belgian's bearing was wobbly at first, but the German helped him by placing his arm around the German's neck. He was starting to get a grip.

"Komm schon, Leute. Gehen wir nach Hause. (Come on, guys. Let's go home.)" Germany said. But the Netherlands shook his head. "You guys go ahead. I wanted to have my last beer." Germany looked at Netherlands with worried and a bit of frustration in his face. "Nein, Niederlande. (No, Netherlands). It's time to go home and you're already drunk." He was pulling the Dutch with his left hand while the other was holding onto Belgium's arm. It was proven to be a challenge for the German.

The Dutch grumbled in annoyance and finally gave into the German's pull. He stood up swaying side to side, trying to keep his balance. When he was able to stand properly, he asked the German to let go of his hand and walked out of the bar, along with Germany and Belgium.

As they walked outside of the bar, the Dutch felt the cold breeze through his skin. He inhaled the cold air as if it would help him to sober. Even if it was just a little bit as he thought. He hiccuped a few times and felt like he was starting to gain his consciousness. "Ik ga de andere kant op. (I'll go the other way). Just to get some fresh air and to sober a bit."

The German was skeptical with the Dutch's choice and he stood there in silence. He was about to say something, but the Belgian, who was sober enough, spoke first. "Are you sure, Nederland? You can barely hold your bearings." The Dutch scoffed as he was slightly offended with that last sentence. "I'll be fine, België. Just a quick walk and then I'll be home in no time. Jullie maakten je teveel zorgen. (You guys worried too much)." Germany and Belgium looked at each other, still looking uncertain. But later on, they gave up trying to convince the Dutch to follow them home.

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